토익 시험 기출 암기 분사 50개

시험 기출 암기 분사

기출 암기 분사

암기 분사를 무턱대고 외우지 말고 아래 표에서 A 가 맞는지 B 맞는지 선택 한 후에 틀린 용법의 분사만 외우면 시간을 절약 할 수 있다.

A와 B 중 올바른 분사의 형태를 고르시오

A B 중요 정답 의미
The lasted impression The lasting impression 1 The lasting impression 지속적인 인상 1
The motivating employees The motivated employees 1 The motivated employees 동기 부여된 직원들 2
The dedicated employees The dedicating employees 1 The dedicated employees 헌신적인 직원들 3
The existing facility The existed facility 1 The existing facility 기존 시설 4
The demanding customers The demanded customers 1 The demanding customers 요구가 많은 고객들 5
The missing file The missed file 1 The missing file 분실된 파일 6
The shipment delay The shipping delay 1 The shipping delay 배송 지연 7
The distinguished writer The Distinguishing writer 2 The distinguished writer 저명한 작가 8
The finishing products The finished products 2 The finished products 완성된 제품들 9
The promising candidate The promised candidate 2 The promising candidate 유망한 후보 10
The revised policy The revising policy 2 The revised policy 개정된 정책 11
The challenging task The challenged task 2 The challenging task 도전적인 작업 12
The qualified programmer The qualifing programmer 2 The qualified programmer 자격 있는 프로그래머 13
The remaining equipment The remained equipment 2 The remaining equipment 남은 장비 14
The complicating process The complicated process 3 The complicated process 복잡한 과정 15
The contributing writer The contributed writer 3 The contributing writer 기고가 16
The leading company The lead company 3 The leading company 선도하는 회사 17
The written consent The writing consent 3 The written consent 서면 동의 18
The train session The trainning session 3 The trainning session 훈련 세션 19
The grown concern The growing concern 3 The growing concern 증가하는 우려 20
The challenging project The challenged project 3 The challenging project 도전적인 프로젝트 21
The disappointing revenue The disappointed revenue 4 The disappointing revenue 실망스러운 수익 22
The establishing company The established company 4 The established company 설립된 회사 23
The opened hours The opening hours 4 The opening hours 개점 시간 24
The printing agenda The printed agenda 4 The printed agenda 인쇄된 의제 25
The accomplishing musicians The accomplished musicians 4 The accomplished musicians 능숙한 음악가들 26
The approaching storm The approached storm 4 The approaching storm 다가오는 폭풍 27
The complicate problems The complicating problems 4 The complicated problems 복잡한 문제들 28
The limit warranty The limiting warranty 4 The limited warranty 제한된 보증 29
The increasing market pressure The increased market pressure 5 The increasing market pressure 증가하는 시장 압력 30
The deserved promotion The deserving promotion 5 The deserved promotion 마땅히 받아야 할 승진 31
The outstanding receipts The outstanded receipts 5 The outstanding receipts 미수금 영수증 32
The preferring methods The preferred methods 5 The preferred methods 선호하는 방법들 33
The proposal deadline The proposing deadline 5 The proposed deadline 제안된 마감 기한 34
The seasoning travelers The seasoned travelers 5 The seasoned travelers 경험 많은 여행자들 35
The the surrounded area The the surrounding area 5 The the surrounding area 주변 지역 36
The encourging remark The encourged remark 6 The encouraging remark 격려하는 말 37
The celebrated example The celebrating example 6 The celebrated example 기념할 만한 예 38
The presiding officer The presided officer 6 The presiding officer 의장 39
The sophisticate system The sophisticated system 6 The sophisticated system 정교한 시스템 40
The welcoming smile The welcomed smile 6 The welcoming smile 환영하는 미소 41
The advance classes The advanced classes 6 The advanced classes 고급 수업 42
Then informed decision Then informant decision 6 The informed decision 정보에 기반한 결정 43
The confirmation reservation The confirming reservation 6 The confirmed reservation 확인된 예약 44
The confusing problems The confused problems 6 The confusing problems 혼란을 일으키는 문제들 45
The crowd buses The crowding buses 6 The crowded buses 붐비는 버스들 46
The encouraging remark The encouraged remark 6 The encouraging remark 격려하는 말 47
The handcrafting pieces The handcrafted pieces 6 The handcrafted pieces 손으로 만든 작품들 48
The informed decisions The informing decisions 6 The informed decisions 정보에 근거한 결정들 49
The overwhelming assignment The overwhelmed assignment 6 The overwhelming assignment 압도적인 과제 50
The planning stage The planned stage 6 The planning stage 계획 단계 51
The repeating complaints The repeated complaints 6 The repeated complaints 반복된 불만 52

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