토익 필수 단어

필수 단어 단어장

핸드폰에서 간편하게 뜻 만 보기
왼쪽 밀기
▪ the assembly process
▪ an emergency assembly
▫ The assembly of the new furniture took several hours.
┃views 422
▪ the assembly process
조립 과정
▪ an emergency assembly
긴급 집회
▫ The assembly of the new furniture took several hours.
새 가구의 조립에는 몇 시간이 걸렸습니다.
▪ the procedure manual
▪ follow the procedure
▫ The company has strict hiring procedures.
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▪ the procedure manual
절차 매뉴얼
▪ follow the procedure
절차를 따르다
▫ The company has strict hiring procedures.
그 회사는 엄격한 채용 절차를 가지고 있습니다.
▪ an overdue payment
▪ an overdue invoice
▫ The payment is overdue by two months.
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▪ an overdue payment
연체된 지불
▪ an overdue invoice
기한이 지난 송장
▫ The payment is overdue by two months.
지불이 두 달 연체되었습니다.
▪ the latest merchandise
▪ high-quality merchandise
▫ The store offers a wide range of merchandise.
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▪ the latest merchandise
최신 상품
▪ high-quality merchandise
고품질 상품
▫ The store offers a wide range of merchandise.
그 가게는 다양한 종류의 상품을 제공합니다.
▪ grant the authority
▪ local authority
▫ She has the authority to make decisions for the team.
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▪ grant the authority
권한을 부여하다
▪ local authority
지방 당국
▫ She has the authority to make decisions for the team.
그녀는 팀을 위해 결정을 내릴 권한이 있습니다.
▪ the fiscal year
▪ the fiscal policy
▫ The fiscal policy of the government helps stabilize the economy.
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▪ the fiscal year
회계 연도
▪ the fiscal policy
재정 정책
▫ The fiscal policy of the government helps stabilize the economy.
정부의 재정 정책은 경제를 안정화하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
▪ a timely manner
▪ provide timely feedback
▫ Her timely intervention prevented a major crisis.
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▪ a timely manner
시기적절한 방식으로
▪ provide timely feedback
시기적절한 피드백을 제공하다
▫ Her timely intervention prevented a major crisis.
그녀의 시기적절한 개입은 큰 위기를 막았다.
▪ perform one’s duty
▪ on duty
▫ One of the manager’s duties is to oversee the team.
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▪ perform one’s duty
의무를 수행하다
▪ on duty
근무 중인
▫ One of the manager’s duties is to oversee the team.
매니저의 의무 중 하나는 팀을 감독하는 것입니다.
▪ impose a tax
▪ impose restrictions
▫ The government decided to impose a new tax on luxury goods.
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▪ impose a tax
세금을 부과하다
▪ impose restrictions
제한을 두다
▫ The government decided to impose a new tax on luxury goods.
정부는 사치품에 새로운 세금을 부과하기로 결정했다.
▪ approve the merger
▪ announce the merger
▫ The merger between the two companies was completed last week.
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▪ approve the merger
합병을 승인하다
▪ announce the merger
합병을 발표하다
▫ The merger between the two companies was completed last week.
두 회사 간의 합병은 지난주에 완료되었습니다.
▪ give a demonstration
▪ attend a demonstration
▫ The software included a demonstration of its features.
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▪ give a demonstration
시연을 하다
▪ attend a demonstration
시위에 참석하다
▫ The software included a demonstration of its features.
그 소프트웨어는 기능 시연을 포함하고 있었습니다.
▪ the prices fluctuate
▪ fluctuate significantly
▫ Prices tend to fluctuate during peak seasons.
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▪ the prices fluctuate
가격이 변동하다
▪ fluctuate significantly
크게 변동하다
▫ Prices tend to fluctuate during peak seasons.
가격은 성수기 동안 변동하는 경향이 있습니다.
▪ a devoted employee
▪ devoted to his/her work
▫ She is devoted to her work at the non-profit organization.
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▪ a devoted employee
헌신적인 직원
▪ devoted to his/her work
자신의 일에 헌신적인
▫ She is devoted to her work at the non-profit organization.
그녀는 비영리 단체에서 자신의 일에 헌신적입니다.
▪ check the stock levels
▪ invest in stocks
▫ We need to check our stock levels before the sale.
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▪ check the stock levels
재고 수준을 확인하다
▪ invest in stocks
주식에 투자하다
▫ We need to check our stock levels before the sale.
판매 전에 재고 수준을 확인해야 합니다.
▪ respond promptly
▪ arrive promptly
▫ She responded promptly to the email.
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▪ respond promptly
신속히 응답하다
▪ arrive promptly
제때 도착하다
▫ She responded promptly to the email.
그녀는 이메일에 즉시 응답했다.
▪ expand the business
▪ expand the market
▫ The company plans to expand its operations overseas.
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▪ expand the business
사업을 확장하다
▪ expand the market
시장을 확장하다
▫ The company plans to expand its operations overseas.
회사는 해외 사업을 확장할 계획입니다.
▪ a wide variety
▪ a variety of options
▫ The cafe offers a variety of drinks.
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▪ a wide variety
광범위한 다양성
▪ a variety of options
다양한 선택지
▫ The cafe offers a variety of drinks.
그 카페는 다양한 음료를 제공합니다.
▪ immediately after the meeting
▪ immediately available
▫ She responded to the email immediately.
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▪ immediately after the meeting
회의 직후
▪ immediately available
바로 이용 가능한
▫ She responded to the email immediately.
그녀는 이메일에 즉시 응답했다.
▪ operating capacity
▪ storage capacity
▫ The auditorium has a seating capacity of 500 people.
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▪ operating capacity
운영 능력
▪ storage capacity
저장 용량
▫ The auditorium has a seating capacity of 500 people.
강당의 좌석 수용 능력은 500명입니다.
▪ complete the transaction
▪ record the transaction
▫ The transaction was completed successfully.
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▪ complete the transaction
거래를 완료하다
▪ record the transaction
거래를 기록하다
▫ The transaction was completed successfully.
거래가 성공적으로 완료되었습니다.
▪ the personnel department
▪ personnel manager
▫ The company’s personnel attended the training session.
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▪ the personnel department
▪ personnel manager
인사 담당 관리자
▫ The company’s personnel attended the training session.
회사의 직원들이 교육 세션에 참석했습니다.
▪ meet the due date
▪ be due to
▫ The report is due next Monday.
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▪ meet the due date
마감일을 지키다
▪ be due to
~할 예정이다
▫ The report is due next Monday.
보고서는 다음 주 월요일이 마감일입니다.
▪ assure the quality
▪ assure someone of something
▫ He assured her that everything would be fine.
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▪ assure the quality
품질을 보증하다
▪ assure someone of something
누군가에게 무엇을 보장하다
▫ He assured her that everything would be fine.
그는 그녀에게 모든 것이 잘 될 것이라고 안심시켰다.
▪ take responsibility
▪ accept responsibility
▫ It is your responsibility to complete the report on time.
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▪ take responsibility
책임을 지다
▪ accept responsibility
책임을 받아들이다
▫ It is your responsibility to complete the report on time.
보고서를 제시간에 완성하는 것은 당신의 책임입니다.
▪ make progress
▪ monitor the progress
▫ The project showed significant progress over the last month.
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▪ make progress
진전을 이루다, 발전하다
▪ monitor the progress
진행 상황을 모니터하다
▫ The project showed significant progress over the last month.
그 프로젝트는 지난달 동안 상당한 진전을 보였다.
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