토익 영어 단어 700

토익 영어 단어 700 단어장

핸드폰에서 간편하게 뜻 만 보기
왼쪽 밀기
▪ be conveniently located
▪ be ideally located
▫ The office is conveniently located in downtown.
┃views 353
▪ be conveniently located
편리하게 위치해 있다
▪ be ideally located
이상적으로 위치해 있다
▫ The office is conveniently located in downtown.
그 사무실은 도심에 편리하게 위치해 있습니다.
▪ the distinctive flavor
▪ a distinctive feature
▫ The architecture of the building is very distinctive.
┃views 540
▪ the distinctive flavor
독특한 맛
▪ a distinctive feature
독특한 특징
▫ The architecture of the building is very distinctive.
그 건물의 건축은 매우 독특합니다.
▪ professional plumbing service
▪ the plumbing system
▫ The plumbing in the new building is state-of-the-art.
┃views 741
▪ professional plumbing service
전문 배관 서비스
▪ the plumbing system
배관 시스템
▫ The plumbing in the new building is state-of-the-art.
신축 건물의 배관 설비는 최신식입니다.
▪ the daily routine
▪ a daily schedule
▫ She has a daily routine of exercising in the morning.
┃views 272
▪ the daily routine
일상적인 활동
▪ a daily schedule
매일의 일정
▫ She has a daily routine of exercising in the morning.
그녀는 아침에 운동하는 일상적인 루틴이 있습니다.
▪ coincide with the schedule
▪ coincide in time
▫ The conference dates coincide with my vacation.
┃views 377
▪ coincide with the schedule
일정과 일치하다
▪ coincide in time
시간적으로 일치하다
▫ The conference dates coincide with my vacation.
회의 날짜가 내 휴가와 겹칩니다.
▪ make an improvement
▪ show improvement
▫ The new strategy led to an improvement in sales.
┃views 437
▪ make an improvement
▪ show improvement
개선을 보이다
▫ The new strategy led to an improvement in sales.
새로운 전략이 매출 향상으로 이어졌습니다.
▪ share an anecdote
▪ tell an anecdote
▫ He shared an anecdote about his childhood.
┃views 285
▪ share an anecdote
일화를 나누다
▪ tell an anecdote
일화를 말하다
▫ He shared an anecdote about his childhood.
그는 어린 시절에 대한 일화를 나눴다.
▪ complete the enrollment
▪ enrollment period
▫ The enrollment for the new semester is now open.
┃views 138
▪ complete the enrollment
등록을 완료하다
▪ enrollment period
등록 기간
▫ The enrollment for the new semester is now open.
새 학기의 등록이 이제 열렸습니다.
▪ an avid reader
▪ an avid fan
▫ He is an avid reader of mystery novels.
┃views 173
▪ an avid reader
열렬한 독자
▪ an avid fan
열렬한 팬
▫ He is an avid reader of mystery novels.
그는 미스터리 소설의 열렬한 독자입니다.
▪ an indoor activity
▪ an indoor swimming pool
▫ He prefers indoor activities like reading.
┃views 157
▪ an indoor activity
실내 활동
▪ an indoor swimming pool
실내 수영장
▫ He prefers indoor activities like reading.
그는 독서와 같은 실내 활동을 선호합니다.
▪ critically important
▪ critically analyze
▫ He analyzed the report critically.
┃views 376
▪ critically important
결정적으로 중요한
▪ critically analyze
비판적으로 분석하다
▫ He analyzed the report critically.
그는 보고서를 비판적으로 분석했다.
▪ socialize with the team
▪ encourage employees to socialize
▫ She enjoys socializing with her coworkers.
┃views 208
▪ socialize with the team
팀과 어울리다
▪ encourage employees to socialize
직원들이 사회화하도록 격려하다
▫ She enjoys socializing with her coworkers.
그녀는 동료들과 어울리는 것을 즐깁니다.
▪ develop a plan
▪ develop skills
▫ The company plans to develop new software to meet customer needs.
┃views 273
▪ develop a plan
계획을 개발하다
▪ develop skills
기술을 발달시키다
▫ The company plans to develop new software to meet customer needs.
회사는 고객의 요구에 맞추기 위해 새로운 소프트웨어를 개발할 계획입니다.
▪ culminate in success
▪ culminate a project
▫ The festivities culminated in a grand fireworks display.
┃views 1040
▪ culminate in success
성공으로 마무리되다
▪ culminate a project
프로젝트를 완성하다
▫ The festivities culminated in a grand fireworks display.
축제는 성대한 불꽃놀이로 최고조에 달했다.
▪ the acclaimed artist
▪ acclaimed by critics
▫ The acclaimed author won several awards.
┃views 243
▪ the acclaimed artist
호평받는 예술가
▪ acclaimed by critics
비평가들에 의해 칭찬받는
▫ The acclaimed author won several awards.
그 호평받는 작가는 여러 상을 받았습니다.
▪ take care of
▪ handle with care
▫ She takes extra care in her work.
┃views 137
▪ take care of
~를 돌보다
▪ handle with care
조심히 다루다
▫ She takes extra care in her work.
그녀는 자신의 일에 매우 신경을 씁니다.
▪ ergonomic design
▪ ergonomic chair
▫ The company invested in ergonomic chairs for the office.
┃views 214
▪ ergonomic design
인체공학적 디자인
▪ ergonomic chair
인체공학적 의자
▫ The company invested in ergonomic chairs for the office.
회사는 사무실을 위해 인체공학적인 의자에 투자했다.
▪ a relaxed atmosphere
▪ feel relaxed
▫ She felt relaxed after the yoga session.
┃views 152
▪ a relaxed atmosphere
편안한 분위기
▪ feel relaxed
편안함을 느끼다
▫ She felt relaxed after the yoga session.
그녀는 요가 세션 후에 편안함을 느꼈다.
▪ a notable achievement
▪ notable differences
▫ The company made a notable profit this year.
┃views 313
▪ a notable achievement
주목할 만한 업적
▪ notable differences
눈에 띄는 차이점들
▫ The company made a notable profit this year.
회사는 올해 주목할 만한 이익을 거뒀습니다.
▪ richly decorated
▪ richly deserved
▫ The cake was richly decorated with chocolate.
┃views 192
▪ richly decorated
풍부하게 장식된
▪ richly deserved
충분히 받아 마땅한
▫ The cake was richly decorated with chocolate.
그 케이크는 초콜릿으로 풍부하게 장식되었습니다.
▪ strategically important
▪ strategically located
▫ The company strategically placed its ads to maximize exposure.
┃views 234
▪ strategically important
전략적으로 중요한
▪ strategically located
전략적으로 위치한
▫ The company strategically placed its ads to maximize exposure.
회사는 노출을 극대화하기 위해 광고를 전략적으로 배치했습니다.
▪ borrow a book
▪ borrow money
▫ Can I borrow your pen?
┃views 211
▪ borrow a book
책을 빌리다
▪ borrow money
돈을 빌리다
▫ Can I borrow your pen?
내 펜 좀 빌릴 수 있을까?
▪ consult the appendix
▪ attached appendix
▫ The book includes an appendix with additional resources.
┃views 547
▪ consult the appendix
부록을 참조하다
▪ attached appendix
첨부된 부록
▫ The book includes an appendix with additional resources.
그 책은 추가 자료가 포함된 부록을 포함하고 있습니다.
▪ publish an autobiography
▪ read someone’s autobiography
▫ She wrote her autobiography to share her life’s journey.
┃views 161
▪ publish an autobiography
자서전을 출판하다
▪ read someone’s autobiography
누군가의 자서전을 읽다
▫ She wrote her autobiography to share her life’s journey.
그녀는 자신의 인생 여정을 공유하기 위해 자서전을 썼다.
▪ identify the inaccuracy
▪ correct the inaccuracy
▫ The report contains several inaccuracies that need correction.
┃views 443
▪ identify the inaccuracy
부정확성을 확인하다
▪ correct the inaccuracy
오류를 수정하다
▫ The report contains several inaccuracies that need correction.
그 보고서는 수정해야 할 여러 가지 오류를 포함하고 있습니다.
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토익 영어 단어 700은 단어의 중요도를 파악하여 시험에 나온 순서대로 제공합니다. enrollment, indoor, notable, capability …