토익 보카 – 문서 서류

문서나 서류를 뜻하는 토익 보카

핸드폰에서 ⇄ 왼쪽 밀기(스와이프)로 보기
▪ the gift voucher
▪ redeem the voucher
▫ She received a voucher for her birthday.
┃views 1195
▪ the gift voucher
▪ redeem the voucher
바우처를 사용하다
▫ She received a voucher for her birthday.
그녀는 생일 선물로 상품권을 받았습니다.
▪ send a resume
▪ resume normal operations
▫ He resumed his work after a short break.
┃views 1608
▪ send a resume
이력서를 보내다
▪ resume normal operations
정상 작업을 재개하다
▫ He resumed his work after a short break.
그는 짧은 휴식 후에 일을 재개했다.
▪ submit an application
▪ application process
▫ She submitted her job application yesterday.
┃views 768
▪ submit an application
신청서를 제출하다
▪ application process
신청 절차
▫ She submitted her job application yesterday.
그녀는 어제 그녀의 취업 지원서를 제출했습니다.
▪ the procedure manual
▪ follow the procedure
▫ The company has strict hiring procedures.
┃views 755
▪ the procedure manual
절차 매뉴얼
▪ follow the procedure
절차를 따르다
▫ The company has strict hiring procedures.
그 회사는 엄격한 채용 절차를 가지고 있습니다.
▪ upon receipt of an order
▪ receipt of payment
▫ Please keep the receipt for your records.
┃views 546
▪ upon receipt of an order
주문을 받으면
▪ receipt of payment
결제를 받음
▫ Please keep the receipt for your records.
영수증을 기록해 두세요.
▪ make a statement
▪ release a statement
▫ The CEO made a statement about the company’s future plans.
┃views 368
▪ make a statement
진술하다, 발표하다
▪ release a statement
진술을 발표하다
▫ The CEO made a statement about the company’s future plans.
CEO는 회사의 미래 계획에 대해 발표했습니다.
▪ submit the draft
▪ finalize the draft
▫ She wrote the first draft of her report.
┃views 217
▪ submit the draft
초안을 제출하다
▪ finalize the draft
초안을 마무리하다
▫ She wrote the first draft of her report.
그녀는 보고서의 첫 번째 초안을 작성했다.
▪ send an invoice
▪ receive an invoice
▫ The company sent me an invoice for the services provided.
┃views 271
▪ send an invoice
청구서를 보내다
▪ receive an invoice
청구서를 받다
▫ The company sent me an invoice for the services provided.
회사는 제공한 서비스에 대해 청구서를 보냈습니다.
▪ provide documentation
▪ review the documentation
▫ The documentation for the project was completed last week.
┃views 623
▪ provide documentation
서류를 제공하다
▪ review the documentation
서류를 검토하다
▫ The documentation for the project was completed last week.
프로젝트 문서 작성은 지난주에 완료되었습니다.
▪ propose a plan
▪ propose a solution
▫ He proposed a new plan to increase sales.
┃views 170
▪ propose a plan
계획을 제안하다
▪ propose a solution
해결책을 제안하다
▫ He proposed a new plan to increase sales.
그는 매출을 늘리기 위한 새로운 계획을 제안했다.
▪ a user manual
▪ the instruction manual
▫ This car has a manual transmission.
┃views 304
▪ a user manual
사용자 매뉴얼
▪ the instruction manual
▫ This car has a manual transmission.
이 자동차는 수동 변속기를 갖추고 있습니다.
▪ send the correspondence
▪ handle the correspondence
▫ He received a large volume of correspondence from clients.
┃views 675
▪ send the correspondence
서신을 보내다
▪ handle the correspondence
서신을 처리하다
▫ He received a large volume of correspondence from clients.
그는 고객들로부터 많은 서신을 받았습니다.
▪ give notice
▪ receive a notice
▫ The company posted a notice about the upcoming holiday schedule.
┃views 523
▪ give notice
▪ receive a notice
통지를 받다
▫ The company posted a notice about the upcoming holiday schedule.
회사는 다가오는 휴일 일정에 대한 공지를 게시했습니다.
▪ the warranty coverage
▪ the extended warranty
▫ The product comes with a two-year warranty.
┃views 384
▪ the warranty coverage
보증 범위
▪ the extended warranty
연장된 품질보증
▫ The product comes with a two-year warranty.
이 제품은 2년 품질보증서가 함께 제공됩니다.
▪ write in a journal
▪ publish in a journal
▫ She writes in her journal every night.
┃views 114
▪ write in a journal
일기에 쓰다
▪ publish in a journal
학술지에 게재하다
▫ She writes in her journal every night.
그녀는 매일 밤 일기를 씁니다.
▪ the official letterhead
▪ company letterhead
▫ The company’s letterhead includes its logo and address.
┃views 2003
▪ the official letterhead
공식 편지지
▪ company letterhead
회사 편지지
▫ The company’s letterhead includes its logo and address.
회사의 편지 머리글에는 로고와 주소가 포함되어 있습니다.
▪ the concert ticket
▪ pay a parking ticket
▫ We need to buy tickets for the concert.
┃views 293
▪ the concert ticket
콘서트 입장권
▪ pay a parking ticket
주차 위반 티켓을 지불하다
▫ We need to buy tickets for the concert.
우리는 콘서트 입장권을 사야 합니다.
▪ submit the manuscript
▪ edit the manuscript
▫ She submitted the final manuscript to the publisher.
┃views 311
▪ submit the manuscript
원고를 제출하다
▪ edit the manuscript
원고를 편집하다
▫ She submitted the final manuscript to the publisher.
그녀는 최종 원고를 출판사에 제출했다.
▪ the company directory
▪ an employee directory
▫ The company directory lists all the employees and their departments.
┃views 340
▪ the company directory
회사 목록
▪ an employee directory
직원 안내 책자
▫ The company directory lists all the employees and their departments.
회사 목록은 모든 직원들과 그들의 부서를 나열합니다.
▪ send an attachment
▪ open the attachment
▫ The email has an attachment with the report.
┃views 417
▪ send an attachment
첨부 파일을 보내다
▪ open the attachment
첨부 파일을 열다
▫ The email has an attachment with the report.
이메일에 보고서가 첨부되어 있습니다.
▪ frequent flier
▪ distribute fliers
▫ She handed out fliers to promote the event.
┃views 293
▪ frequent flier
단골 승객
▪ distribute fliers
전단지를 배포하다
▫ She handed out fliers to promote the event.
그녀는 이벤트를 홍보하기 위해 전단지를 나눠줬다.
▪ complete the paperwork
▪ process the paperwork
▫ The manager has a lot of paperwork to finish by Friday.
┃views 137
▪ complete the paperwork
서류 작업을 완료하다
▪ process the paperwork
서류 작업을 처리하다
▫ The manager has a lot of paperwork to finish by Friday.
관리자는 금요일까지 마쳐야 할 많은 서류 작업이 있습니다.
▪ meet the specifications
▪ detailed specifications
▫ The engineer checked the specifications before starting the project.
┃views 167
▪ meet the specifications
사양을 충족하다
▪ detailed specifications
상세 명세서
▫ The engineer checked the specifications before starting the project.
엔지니어는 프로젝트를 시작하기 전에 명세서를 확인했습니다.
▪ the architectural blueprint
▪ a detailed blueprint
▫ The architect shared the blueprint of the new library.
┃views 238
▪ the architectural blueprint
건축 설계도
▪ a detailed blueprint
자세한 계획도
▫ The architect shared the blueprint of the new library.
건축가는 새로운 도서관의 설계도를 공유했습니다.
▪ submit the dissertation
▪ defend the dissertation
▫ She completed her dissertation on environmental policy.
┃views 150
▪ submit the dissertation
논문을 제출하다
▪ defend the dissertation
논문을 방어하다
▫ She completed her dissertation on environmental policy.
그녀는 환경 정책에 관한 논문을 완성했다.
Visited L
단어를 클릭하면 중요도 증가로 배경 색상 바뀜
모바일에서 ⇄ 왼쪽 밀기하면 막대 그래프 표시
Visited Link 색상 초기화
파트7의 지문에서 항상 어떤 서류와 가져와라, 준비해라 등의 요구가 많이 있습니다. 이렇게 서류, 문서, 자격증등 종이와 관련된 토익 보카 단어를 40개 모아 놓았습니다.