토익 보카 단어 – 사람 명사

사람을 뜻하는 토익 단어

핸드폰에서 ⇄ 왼쪽 밀기(스와이프)로 보기
▪ the executive team
▪ an executive decision
▫ The executive made the final decision on the project.
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▪ the executive team
경영 팀
▪ an executive decision
경영진의 결정
▫ The executive made the final decision on the project.
경영진이 프로젝트에 대한 최종 결정을 내렸다.
▪ interview the candidate
▪ a job candidate
▫ The company interviewed several candidates for the position.
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▪ interview the candidate
후보자를 인터뷰하다
▪ a job candidate
취업 후보자
▫ The company interviewed several candidates for the position.
회사는 그 직책에 대한 후보자 여러 명과 인터뷰를 보았다.
▪ associate the brand
▪ a business associate
▫ People often associate blue with calmness.
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▪ associate the brand
브랜드와 연관시키다
▪ a business associate
비즈니스 동료
▫ People often associate blue with calmness.
사람들은 종종 파란색을 차분함과 연관시킵니다.
▪ an experienced instructor
▪ a certified instructor
▫ The instructor guided us through the entire course.
┃views 241
▪ an experienced instructor
경험이 풍부한 강사
▪ a certified instructor
인증된 강사
▫ The instructor guided us through the entire course.
강사는 우리를 전체 과정을 안내했다.
▪ hire the contractor
▪ a general contractor
▫ The contractor will begin the construction next week.
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▪ hire the contractor
계약자를 고용하다
▪ a general contractor
총괄 계약자
▫ The contractor will begin the construction next week.
계약자는 다음 주에 건설을 시작할 것입니다.
▪ grant the authority
▪ local authority
▫ She has the authority to make decisions for the team.
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▪ grant the authority
권한을 부여하다
▪ local authority
지방 당국
▫ She has the authority to make decisions for the team.
그녀는 팀을 위해 결정을 내릴 권한이 있습니다.
▪ the personnel department
▪ personnel manager
▫ The company’s personnel attended the training session.
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▪ the personnel department
▪ personnel manager
인사 담당 관리자
▫ The company’s personnel attended the training session.
회사의 직원들이 교육 세션에 참석했습니다.
▪ pedestrian crossing
▪ pedestrian zone
▫ The bridge was closed to all but pedestrian traffic.
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▪ pedestrian crossing
보행자 횡단보도
▪ pedestrian zone
보행자 구역
▫ The bridge was closed to all but pedestrian traffic.
다리는 보행자 교통을 제외하고 모두 통제되었습니다.
▪ a lease agreement with the tenant
▪ terminate the lease with the tenant
▫ The tenant signed a one-year lease agreement.
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▪ a lease agreement with the tenant
임차인과의 임대 계약서
▪ terminate the lease with the tenant
임차인과의 임대 계약을 종료하다
▫ The tenant signed a one-year lease agreement.
그 임차인은 1년짜리 임대 계약서에 서명했습니다.
▪ host an event
▪ host a meeting
▫ The host welcomed all the guests to the event.
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▪ host an event
이벤트를 주최하다
▪ host a meeting
회의를 주최하다
▫ The host welcomed all the guests to the event.
주최자는 모든 손님을 환영했다.
▪ pay the delinquent bills
▪ notice of delinquent payment
▫ The account is delinquent due to missed payments.
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▪ pay the delinquent bills
연체된 청구서를 지불하다
▪ notice of delinquent payment
연체된 지불의 통지서
▫ The account is delinquent due to missed payments.
연체된 지불 때문에 계좌가 연체 상태입니다.
▪ a medical issue
▪ seek a physician
▫ The physician prescribed medication for the patient’s illness.
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▪ a medical issue
의학적 문제
▪ seek a physician
의사의 진찰을 받다
▫ The physician prescribed medication for the patient’s illness.
의사는 환자의 병에 대해 약을 처방했습니다.
▪ a job applicant
▪ an applicant form
▫ The applicant submitted her resume and cover letter.
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▪ a job applicant
취업 지원자
▪ an applicant form
신청서 양식
▫ The applicant submitted her resume and cover letter.
지원자는 이력서와 자기소개서를 제출했습니다.
▪ a famous celebrity
▪ celebrity endorsement
▫ The charity event was attended by several celebrities.
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▪ a famous celebrity
유명한 유명인사
▪ celebrity endorsement
유명인의 홍보, 추천
▫ The charity event was attended by several celebrities.
여러 유명인사들이 자선 행사에 참석했습니다.
▪ the certified accountant
▪ a senior accountant
▫ She works as an accountant at a large firm.
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▪ the certified accountant
공인 회계사
▪ a senior accountant
수석 회계사
▫ She works as an accountant at a large firm.
그녀는 대기업에서 회계사로 일합니다.
▪ call a plumber
▪ licensed plumber
▫ The plumber fixed the leaky faucet.
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▪ call a plumber
배관공을 부르다
▪ licensed plumber
면허 있는 배관공
▫ The plumber fixed the leaky faucet.
배관공이 새는 수도꼭지를 고쳤다.
▪ the consumer market
▪ consumer behavior
▫ Consumers are looking for more affordable alternatives.
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▪ the consumer market
소비자 시장
▪ consumer behavior
소비자 행동
▫ Consumers are looking for more affordable alternatives.
소비자들은 더 저렴한 대안을 찾고 있습니다.
▪ individual differences
▪ individual attention
▫ Each individual must submit their own work.
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▪ individual differences
개별적인 차이점
▪ individual attention
개인적인 관심
▫ Each individual must submit their own work.
각각의 개인은 자신의 작업을 제출해야 합니다.
▪ a local resident
▪ the permanent resident
▫ The residents of the building must follow the safety regulations.
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▪ a local resident
지역 주민
▪ the permanent resident
영구 거주자
▫ The residents of the building must follow the safety regulations.
건물의 거주자들은 안전 규정을 따라야 합니다.
▪ the passenger seat
▪ a passenger vehicle
▫ Each passenger must show a ticket before boarding.
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▪ the passenger seat
승객 좌석
▪ a passenger vehicle
▫ Each passenger must show a ticket before boarding.
각 승객은 탑승 전에 티켓을 보여주어야 합니다.
▪ work under the supervision
▪ supervisory role
▫ The supervisor is responsible for overseeing the project.
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▪ work under the supervision
감독 하에 일하다
▪ supervisory role
감독 역할
▫ The supervisor is responsible for overseeing the project.
감독자는 프로젝트를 감독할 책임이 있습니다.
▪ a skilled mechanic
▪ consult the mechanic
▫ The car was repaired by a skilled mechanic.
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▪ a skilled mechanic
숙련된 정비공
▪ consult the mechanic
정비공과 상담하다
▫ The car was repaired by a skilled mechanic.
차는 숙련된 정비공에 의해 수리되었다.
▪ the main supplier
▪ reliable supplier
▫ The supplier delivered the materials on time.
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▪ the main supplier
주요 공급자
▪ reliable supplier
신뢰할 수 있는 공급자
▫ The supplier delivered the materials on time.
공급자는 제시간에 자재를 배송했습니다.
▪ the train conductor
▪ a good conductor of heat
▫ The conductor lead the orchestra with great skill.
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▪ the train conductor
기차의 차장
▪ a good conductor of heat
열의 좋은 전도체
▫ The conductor lead the orchestra with great skill.
지휘자는 뛰어난 기술로 오케스트라를 이끌었다.
▪ the leading retailer
▪ negotiate with the retailer
▫ The retailer offered a discount on all electronic goods.
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▪ the leading retailer
주요 소매업자
▪ negotiate with the retailer
소매업자와 협상하다
▫ The retailer offered a discount on all electronic goods.
그 소매업자는 전자 제품에 대해 할인을 제공했습니다.
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