토익 핵심 단어

핵심 단어 단어장

핸드폰에서 간편하게 뜻 만 보기
왼쪽 밀기
▪ the executive team
▪ an executive decision
▫ The executive made the final decision on the project.
┃views 5188
▪ the executive team
경영 팀
▪ an executive decision
경영진의 결정
▫ The executive made the final decision on the project.
경영진이 프로젝트에 대한 최종 결정을 내렸다.
▪ conduct an inventory
▪ update the inventory
▫ The company takes an inventory at the end of each month.
┃views 1708
▪ conduct an inventory
재고 조사를 수행하다
▪ update the inventory
재고 목록을 업데이트하다
▫ The company takes an inventory at the end of each month.
회사는 매월 말에 재고 조사를 합니다.
▪ the main feature
▪ feature prominently
▫ The main feature of the new phone is its large display.
┃views 1600
▪ the main feature
주요 특징
▪ feature prominently
두드러지게 특징을 이루다
▫ The main feature of the new phone is its large display.
새로운 전화기의 주요 특징은 큰 디스플레이입니다.
▪ acknowledge the receipt
▪ acknowledge the importance
▫ He acknowledged receiving the email.
┃views 2012
▪ acknowledge the receipt
영수증을 받음을 인정하다
▪ acknowledge the importance
중요성을 인정하다
▫ He acknowledged receiving the email.
그는 이메일을 받았다고 인정했다.
▪ the gift voucher
▪ redeem the voucher
▫ She received a voucher for her birthday.
┃views 1195
▪ the gift voucher
▪ redeem the voucher
바우처를 사용하다
▫ She received a voucher for her birthday.
그녀는 생일 선물로 상품권을 받았습니다.
▪ provide an estimate
▪ receive an estimate
▫ We need an estimate for the repair costs.
┃views 1587
▪ provide an estimate
견적을 제공하다
▪ receive an estimate
견적을 받다
▫ We need an estimate for the repair costs.
우리는 수리 비용에 대한 견적서가 필요합니다.
▪ send a resume
▪ resume normal operations
▫ He resumed his work after a short break.
┃views 1608
▪ send a resume
이력서를 보내다
▪ resume normal operations
정상 작업을 재개하다
▫ He resumed his work after a short break.
그는 짧은 휴식 후에 일을 재개했다.
▪ address the issue
▪ the ongoing issue
▫ The main issue in the workplace is communication.
┃views 965
▪ address the issue
문제를 다루다
▪ the ongoing issue
현재 진행 중인 문제
▫ The main issue in the workplace is communication.
직장 내 주요 문제는 의사소통입니다.
▪ the property value
▪ buy a property
▫ She inherited a large property from her uncle.
┃views 1084
▪ the property value
자산 가치
▪ buy a property
부동산을 구입하다
▫ She inherited a large property from her uncle.
그녀는 삼촌으로부터 큰 재산을 상속받았다.
▪ be eligible for the position
▪ eligible to apply
▫ She is eligible for a promotion.
┃views 1397
▪ be eligible for the position
그 직책에 자격이 있다
▪ eligible to apply
지원할 자격이 있는
▫ She is eligible for a promotion.
그녀는 승진 자격이 있다.
▪ launch an initiative
▪ take the initiative
▫ He took the initiative in the meeting.
┃views 1114
▪ launch an initiative
이니셔티브를 시작하다
▪ take the initiative
주도권을 잡다
▫ He took the initiative in the meeting.
그는 회의에서 주도권을 잡았다.
▪ a culinary expert
▪ culinary arts
▫ She is attending a culinary school to become a chef.
┃views 985
▪ a culinary expert
요리 전문가
▪ culinary arts
요리 예술
▫ She is attending a culinary school to become a chef.
그녀는 요리사가 되기 위해 요리 학교에 다니고 있습니다.
▪ an extensive network
▪ extensive experience
▫ The survey covered an extensive range of topics.
┃views 971
▪ an extensive network
광범위한 네트워크
▪ extensive experience
폭넓은 경험
▫ The survey covered an extensive range of topics.
그 설문조사는 광범위한 주제를 다루었다.
▪ make a deposit
▪ refundable deposit
▫ You need to pay a deposit to reserve the room.
┃views 1146
▪ make a deposit
예치금을 입금하다
▪ refundable deposit
환불 가능한 보증금
▫ You need to pay a deposit to reserve the room.
방을 예약하려면 보증금을 지불해야 합니다.
▪ retail trade
▪ retail store
▫ The store specializes in the retail of electronics.
┃views 783
▪ retail trade
소매 무역
▪ retail store
▫ The store specializes in the retail of electronics.
그 가게는 전자제품 소매를 전문으로 합니다.
▪ an affordable price
▪ affordable housing
▫ The store offers affordable prices for its products.
┃views 774
▪ an affordable price
적당한 가격
▪ affordable housing
저렴한 주택
▫ The store offers affordable prices for its products.
그 가게는 제품들에 대해 알맞은 가격을 제공합니다.
▪ grant permission
▪ grant a request
▫ The manager granted his request for a day off.
┃views 1087
▪ grant permission
허가를 주다
▪ grant a request
요청을 승인하다
▫ The manager granted his request for a day off.
매니저는 그의 휴가 요청을 승인했다.
▪ increase significantly
▪ change significantly
▫ Revenue has increased significantly over the past year.
┃views 673
▪ increase significantly
상당히 증가하다
▪ change significantly
크게 변화하다
▫ Revenue has increased significantly over the past year.
지난해 동안 수익이 현저히 증가했습니다.
▪ reserve a table
▪ reserve the right
▫ I would like to reserve a table for two.
┃views 719
▪ reserve a table
테이블을 예약하다
▪ reserve the right
권리를 보유하다
▫ I would like to reserve a table for two.
저는 두 사람을 위한 테이블을 예약하고 싶습니다.
▪ submit an application
▪ application process
▫ She submitted her job application yesterday.
┃views 769
▪ submit an application
신청서를 제출하다
▪ application process
신청 절차
▫ She submitted her job application yesterday.
그녀는 어제 그녀의 취업 지원서를 제출했습니다.
▪ address the issue
▪ address concerns
▫ Please provide your home address.
┃views 708
▪ address the issue
문제를 다루다
▪ address concerns
우려를 다루다
▫ Please provide your home address.
집 주소를 제공해주세요.
▪ suppose to do something
▪ suppose someone/something to be
▫ I suppose he will be late.
┃views 685
▪ suppose to do something
무언가를 하기로 되어 있다
▪ suppose someone/something to be
누군가/무언가를 ~라고 생각하다
▫ I suppose he will be late.
나는 그가 늦을 것이라고 추정합니다.
▪ take charge of
▪ charge a fee
▫ The hotel charges reasonable rates for their rooms.
┃views 551
▪ take charge of
▪ charge a fee
요금을 부과하다
▫ The hotel charges reasonable rates for their rooms.
그 호텔은 합리적인 요금을 부과합니다.
▪ expire the contract
▪ has expired
▫ The contract will expire at the end of the year.
┃views 1721
▪ expire the contract
계약이 만료되다
▪ has expired
▫ The contract will expire at the end of the year.
계약은 연말에 만료됩니다.
▪ request a refund
▪ issue a refund
▫ She requested a full refund for the defective product.
┃views 756
▪ request a refund
환불을 요청하다
▪ issue a refund
환불을 발행하다
▫ She requested a full refund for the defective product.
그녀는 결함 있는 제품에 대해 전액 환불을 요청했습니다.
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