토익 고난도 단어 1000

토익 고난도 단어 1000 단어장

핸드폰에서 간편하게 뜻 만 보기
왼쪽 밀기
▪ change one’s mind
▪ keep an open mind
▫ Do you mind if I open the window?
┃views 360
▪ change one’s mind
생각을 바꾸다
▪ keep an open mind
개방적인 마음을 유지하다
▫ Do you mind if I open the window?
제가 창문을 열어도 될까요?
▪ the original artwork
▪ submit the artwork
▫ The gallery showcases contemporary artwork.
┃views 143
▪ the original artwork
원작 예술 작품
▪ submit the artwork
예술 작품을 제출하다
▫ The gallery showcases contemporary artwork.
그 갤러리는 현대 예술 작품을 전시합니다.
▪ make a remark
▪ opening remark
▫ His remark was well received by the audience.
┃views 638
▪ make a remark
▪ opening remark
개회 발언
▫ His remark was well received by the audience.
그의 발언은 청중에게 잘 받아들여졌다.
▪ deeply offend
▪ unintentionally offend
▫ I’m sorry if I offended you with my comment.
┃views 240
▪ deeply offend
깊이 상처를 주다
▪ unintentionally offend
의도치 않게 상처를 주다
▫ I’m sorry if I offended you with my comment.
내 말로 당신의 감정을 상하게 했다면 죄송합니다.
▪ agitate the audience
▪ agitate for change
▫ The news agitated the community.
┃views 318
▪ agitate the audience
청중을 불안하게 하다
▪ agitate for change
변화를 선동하다
▫ The news agitated the community.
그 소식은 지역 사회를 불안하게 만들었습니다.
▪ cherish a memory
▪ cherish a relationship
▫ We should cherish every moment with our loved ones.
┃views 171
▪ cherish a memory
기억을 소중히 간직하다
▪ cherish a relationship
관계를 소중히 여기다
▫ We should cherish every moment with our loved ones.
우리는 사랑하는 사람들과의 모든 순간을 소중히 여겨야 합니다.
▪ impose a curfew
▪ adhere to a curfew
▫ The city imposed a curfew due to the unrest.
┃views 178
▪ impose a curfew
통금 시간을 부과하다
▪ adhere to a curfew
통금을 지키다
▫ The city imposed a curfew due to the unrest.
도시는 소요 사태 때문에 통행금지를 시행했다.
▪ delineate the plan
▪ delineate the problem
▫ The manager delineated the new project guidelines.
┃views 725
▪ delineate the plan
계획을 상세히 설명하다
▪ delineate the problem
문제를 명확히 설명하다
▫ The manager delineated the new project guidelines.
관리자는 새로운 프로젝트 지침을 상세히 설명했습니다.
▪ in dire need
▪ dire consequences
▫ The company is in dire need of financial assistance.
┃views 215
▪ in dire need
긴급하게 필요한
▪ dire consequences
심각한 결과
▫ The company is in dire need of financial assistance.
회사는 재정 지원이 절실히 필요합니다.
▪ an eloquent speech
▪ eloquent testimony
▫ The speaker gave an eloquent speech on climate change.
┃views 278
▪ an eloquent speech
설득력 있는 연설
▪ eloquent testimony
설득력 있는 증언
▫ The speaker gave an eloquent speech on climate change.
연사는 기후변화에 대해 설득력 있는 연설을 했습니다.
▪ erode the foundation
▪ erode the trust
▫ The coastline is being eroded by the sea.
┃views 159
▪ erode the foundation
기초를 침식시키다
▪ erode the trust
신뢰를 약화시키다
▫ The coastline is being eroded by the sea.
해안선이 바다에 의해 침식되고 있다.
▪ engage in espionage
▪ accuse someone of espionage
▫ The government accused him of engaging in espionage.
┃views 203
▪ engage in espionage
첩보 활동에 가담하다
▪ accuse someone of espionage
스파이 혐의를 씌우다
▫ The government accused him of engaging in espionage.
정부는 그가 첩보 활동에 가담했다고 비난했다.
▪ exude confidence
▪ exude charm
▫ She exudes confidence in her presentations.
┃views 287
▪ exude confidence
자신감을 발산하다
▪ exude charm
매력을 발산하다
▫ She exudes confidence in her presentations.
그녀는 발표에서 자신감을 발산한다.
▪ the company founder
▪ the original founder
▫ The founder of the company is a visionary leader.
┃views 129
▪ the company founder
회사 창립자
▪ the original founder
원래 창립자
▫ The founder of the company is a visionary leader.
회사의 창립자는 비전 있는 지도자입니다.
▪ against the odds
▪ the odds are in favor
▫ The odds of winning the lottery are very low.
┃views 263
▪ against the odds
어려움을 극복하고
▪ the odds are in favor
확률이 유리하다
▫ The odds of winning the lottery are very low.
복권에 당첨될 확률은 매우 낮습니다.
▪ an inquisitive mind
▪ inquisitive nature
▫ The inquisitive student asked many questions.
┃views 127
▪ an inquisitive mind
호기심 많은 마음
▪ inquisitive nature
호기심 많은 성격
▫ The inquisitive student asked many questions.
그 호기심 많은 학생은 많은 질문을 했다.
▪ submit the dissertation
▪ defend the dissertation
▫ She completed her dissertation on environmental policy.
┃views 150
▪ submit the dissertation
논문을 제출하다
▪ defend the dissertation
논문을 방어하다
▫ She completed her dissertation on environmental policy.
그녀는 환경 정책에 관한 논문을 완성했다.
▪ overturn the decision
▪ overturn the ruling
▫ The boat was overturned by the strong current.
┃views 234
▪ overturn the decision
결정을 뒤집다
▪ overturn the ruling
판결을 뒤집다
▫ The boat was overturned by the strong current.
보트가 강한 물살에 의해 뒤집혔다.
▪ be tardy for a meeting
▪ tardy in submitting
▫ He was tardy for the meeting.
┃views 838
▪ be tardy for a meeting
회의에 지각하다
▪ tardy in submitting
제출이 늦은
▫ He was tardy for the meeting.
그는 회의에 지각했다.
▪ undue attention
▪ undue pressure
▫ They faced undue criticism for their honest mistake.
┃views 485
▪ undue attention
지나친 관심
▪ undue pressure
과도한 압박
▫ They faced undue criticism for their honest mistake.
그들은 정직한 실수에 대해 부당한 비판을 받았다.
▪ vandalize the property
▪ vandalize public property
▫ The vandals vandalized the park last night.
┃views 191
▪ vandalize the property
재산을 훼손하다
▪ vandalize public property
공공재산을 훼손하다
▫ The vandals vandalized the park last night.
반달들이 어젯밤 공원을 파손했습니다.
▪ vent one’s frustration
▪ a ventilation system
▫ The kitchen has a vent to let out smoke and odors.
┃views 247
▪ vent one’s frustration
좌절감을 표출하다
▪ a ventilation system
환기 시스템
▫ The kitchen has a vent to let out smoke and odors.
주방에는 연기와 냄새를 배출하기 위한 배출구가 있다.
▪ the placid environment
▪ maintain a placid demeanor
▫ The placid lake reflected the clear blue sky.
┃views 157
▪ the placid environment
조용한 환경
▪ maintain a placid demeanor
차분한 태도를 유지하다
▫ The placid lake reflected the clear blue sky.
조용하고 평온한 호수는 맑고 푸른 하늘을 반영했다.
▪ an ingenious solution
▪ an ingenious design
▫ She came up with an ingenious solution to the problem.
┃views 367
▪ an ingenious solution
기발한 해결책
▪ an ingenious design
정교한 디자인
▫ She came up with an ingenious solution to the problem.
그녀는 그 문제에 대해 기발한 해결책을 생각해냈습니다.
▪ do not disturb
▪ disturb the peace
▫ Please do not disturb me while I am working.
┃views 293
▪ do not disturb
방해하지 말아 주세요
▪ disturb the peace
평화를 어지럽히다
▫ Please do not disturb me while I am working.
제가 일하는 동안 방해하지 말아 주세요.
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