토익 단어 1600

토익 단어 1600 단어장

핸드폰에서 간편하게 뜻 만 보기
왼쪽 밀기
▪ the bumpy road
▪ a bumpy ride
▫ The bumpy road made the ride uncomfortable.
┃views 277
▪ the bumpy road
울퉁불퉁한 도로
▪ a bumpy ride
험난한 여정
▫ The bumpy road made the ride uncomfortable.
울퉁불퉁한 도로 때문에 차량 탑승이 불편했다.
▪ make an observation
▪ record the observation
▫ Her observation skills are excellent.
┃views 629
▪ make an observation
관찰하다, 의견을 내다
▪ record the observation
관찰 내용을 기록하다
▫ Her observation skills are excellent.
그녀의 관찰 능력은 뛰어납니다.
▪ explore the possibility
▪ explore new opportunities
▫ The team explored the uncharted territory.
┃views 360
▪ explore the possibility
가능성을 탐색하다
▪ explore new opportunities
새로운 기회를 탐구하다
▫ The team explored the uncharted territory.
팀은 미지의 영토를 탐험했다.
▪ the proper procedure
▪ proper attire
▫ It is important to wear proper attire for the job interview.
┃views 304
▪ the proper procedure
적절한 절차
▪ proper attire
적절한 복장
▫ It is important to wear proper attire for the job interview.
취업 면접에 적절한 복장을 착용하는 것이 중요합니다.
▪ determined effort
▪ be determined to succeed
▫ She is determined to succeed.
┃views 207
▪ determined effort
결연한 노력
▪ be determined to succeed
성공하려고 결심하다
▫ She is determined to succeed.
그녀는 성공하겠다는 확고한 결심을 했다.
▪ even surface
▪ even results
▫ The surface of the table is even.
┃views 582
▪ even surface
평평한 표면
▪ even results
고른 결과
▫ The surface of the table is even.
테이블의 표면은 평평합니다.
▪ an intelligent solution
▪ the intelligent system
▫ She is an intelligent student who always gets the highest scores.
┃views 150
▪ an intelligent solution
지능적인 해결책
▪ the intelligent system
지능형 시스템
▫ She is an intelligent student who always gets the highest scores.
그녀는 항상 최고 점수를 받는 지적인 학생입니다.
▪ punish severely
▪ punish by law
▫ The teacher decided to punish the students for cheating.
┃views 190
▪ punish severely
심하게 처벌하다
▪ punish by law
법에 따라 처벌하다
▫ The teacher decided to punish the students for cheating.
교사는 학생들을 부정행위로 처벌하기로 결정했습니다.
▪ a subtle difference
▪ subtle hint
▫ There was a subtle difference in their statements.
┃views 229
▪ a subtle difference
미묘한 차이
▪ subtle hint
은근한 힌트
▫ There was a subtle difference in their statements.
그들의 진술에는 미묘한 차이가 있었다.
▪ a former employee
▪ the former president
▫ He is a former employee of the company.
┃views 225
▪ a former employee
이전 직원
▪ the former president
전 대통령
▫ He is a former employee of the company.
그는 그 회사의 이전 직원입니다.
▪ have a tendency
▪ show a tendency
▫ She has a tendency to arrive late.
┃views 253
▪ have a tendency
성향이 있다
▪ show a tendency
성향을 보이다
▫ She has a tendency to arrive late.
그녀는 늦게 도착하는 경향이 있다.
▪ the key decision-maker
▪ a strategic decision-maker
▫ The CEO is the main decision-maker in the company.
┃views 193
▪ the key decision-maker
주요 결정권자
▪ a strategic decision-maker
전략적 결정권자
▫ The CEO is the main decision-maker in the company.
CEO는 회사의 주된 결정권자입니다.
▪ curb the greed
▪ corporate greed
▫ His greed for power led to his downfall.
┃views 156
▪ curb the greed
탐욕을 억제하다
▪ corporate greed
기업의 탐욕
▫ His greed for power led to his downfall.
그의 권력에 대한 탐욕은 그의 몰락으로 이어졌다.
▪ gradually increase
▪ gradually improve
▫ The company gradually improved its performance over the year.
┃views 273
▪ gradually increase
점진적으로 증가하다
▪ gradually improve
서서히 개선되다
▫ The company gradually improved its performance over the year.
회사는 1년 동안 점진적으로 성과를 개선했다.
▪ collaboration between teams
▪ in close collaboration
▫ The collaboration between the two companies led to innovative solutions.
┃views 109
▪ collaboration between teams
팀 간의 협력
▪ in close collaboration
긴밀한 협력
▫ The collaboration between the two companies led to innovative solutions.
두 회사 간의 협력은 혁신적인 해결책을 이끌어냈습니다.
▪ report the theft
▪ prevent the theft
▫ The store installed cameras to prevent theft.
┃views 223
▪ report the theft
절도를 신고하다
▪ prevent the theft
절도를 방지하다
▫ The store installed cameras to prevent theft.
가게는 절도를 방지하기 위해 카메라를 설치했습니다.
▪ a candid opinion
▪ a candid conversation
▫ She gave a candid response during the interview.
┃views 113
▪ a candid opinion
솔직한 의견
▪ a candid conversation
솔직한 대화
▫ She gave a candid response during the interview.
그녀는 인터뷰 동안 솔직한 답변을 했다.
▪ buy a lottery ticket
▪ win the lottery
▫ He bought a lottery ticket.
┃views 121
▪ buy a lottery ticket
복권을 사다
▪ win the lottery
복권에 당첨되다
▫ He bought a lottery ticket.
그는 복권을 샀다.
▪ the latter option
▪ the latter part
▫ Between coffee and tea, I prefer the latter.
┃views 192
▪ the latter option
후자의 옵션
▪ the latter part
▫ Between coffee and tea, I prefer the latter.
커피와 차 중에서, 나는 후자를 선호합니다.
▪ show resistance
▪ face resistance
▫ The new policy faced strong resistance from the employees.
┃views 152
▪ show resistance
저항을 보이다
▪ face resistance
저항에 직면하다
▫ The new policy faced strong resistance from the employees.
새로운 정책은 직원들로부터 강한 저항을 받았다.
▪ the width of the door
▪ increase the width
▫ The width of the room is 20 feet.
┃views 589
▪ the width of the door
▪ increase the width
폭을 넓히다
▫ The width of the room is 20 feet.
방의 너비는 20피트입니다.
▪ voluntary participation
▪ voluntary work
▫ Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary.
┃views 226
▪ voluntary participation
자발적인 참여
▪ voluntary work
▫ Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary.
설문 조사 참여는 전적으로 자발적입니다.
▪ consult a counselor
▪ a career counselor
▫ I made an appointment with a career counselor to discuss my job options.
┃views 140
▪ consult a counselor
상담사와 상담하다
▪ a career counselor
직업 상담사
▫ I made an appointment with a career counselor to discuss my job options.
내 직업 선택에 대해 논의하기 위해 직업 상담사를 만날 약속을 잡았어요.
▪ submit a requisition
▪ approve the requisition
▫ The manager submitted a requisition for new office supplies.
┃views 773
▪ submit a requisition
요청서를 제출하다
▪ approve the requisition
요청을 승인하다
▫ The manager submitted a requisition for new office supplies.
관리자는 새 사무용품에 대한 정식 요청서를 제출했습니다.
▪ find something disgusting
▪ a disgusting smell
▫ The food was disgusting, and I couldn’t eat it.
┃views 176
▪ find something disgusting
무언가를 혐오스럽다고 느끼다
▪ a disgusting smell
혐오스러운 냄새
▫ The food was disgusting, and I couldn’t eat it.
그 음식은 혐오스러워서 먹을 수 없었어요.
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