토익 단어 1800

토익 단어 1800 단어장

핸드폰에서 간편하게 뜻 만 보기
왼쪽 밀기
▪ entail additional costs
▪ entail considerable effort
▫ This job entails a lot of responsibilities.
┃views 366
▪ entail additional costs
추가 비용을 수반하다
▪ entail considerable effort
상당한 노력을 필요로 하다
▫ This job entails a lot of responsibilities.
이 직무는 많은 책임을 수반합니다.
▪ the total expenditure
▪ cut (or reduce) expenditure
▫ The company reduced its expenditure to improve profit margins.
┃views 149
▪ the total expenditure
총 지출
▪ cut (or reduce) expenditure
지출을 줄이다
▫ The company reduced its expenditure to improve profit margins.
회사는 이익률을 높이기 위해 지출을 줄였습니다.
▪ manage a portfolio
▪ diversify a portfolio
▫ She showcased her design portfolio at the interview.
┃views 165
▪ manage a portfolio
포트폴리오를 관리하다
▪ diversify a portfolio
포트폴리오를 다양화하다
▫ She showcased her design portfolio at the interview.
그녀는 인터뷰에서 디자인 포트폴리오를 보였다.
▪ the non-profit organization
▪ improve organization
▫ The non-profit organization helps the homeless.
┃views 494
▪ the non-profit organization
비영리 단체
▪ improve organization
조직화를 개선하다
▫ The non-profit organization helps the homeless.
그 비영리 단체는 노숙자들을 돕습니다.
▪ prohibit smoking
▪ prohibit the use
▫ The company prohibits smoking inside the building.
┃views 145
▪ prohibit smoking
흡연을 금지하다
▪ prohibit the use
사용을 금지하다
▫ The company prohibits smoking inside the building.
회사는 건물 내부에서 흡연을 금지합니다.
▪ launch the satellite
▪ track the satellite
▫ The satellite will be launched next month.
┃views 237
▪ launch the satellite
인공위성을 발사하다
▪ track the satellite
인공위성을 추적하다
▫ The satellite will be launched next month.
인공위성이 다음 달에 발사될 것입니다.
▪ a formal outfit
▪ camping outfit
▫ She wore a stunning outfit to the party.
┃views 134
▪ a formal outfit
▪ camping outfit
캠핑 장비
▫ She wore a stunning outfit to the party.
그녀는 파티에 멋진 의상을 입었다.
▪ numerous opportunities
▪ numerous times
▫ There were numerous errors in the report.
┃views 145
▪ numerous opportunities
많은 기회
▪ numerous times
여러 번
▫ There were numerous errors in the report.
보고서에는 수많은 오류가 있었습니다.
▪ gauge the effectiveness
▪ fuel gauge
▫ The fuel gauge shows that the tank is almost empty.
┃views 248
▪ gauge the effectiveness
효과를 측정하다
▪ fuel gauge
▫ The fuel gauge shows that the tank is almost empty.
연료 게이지는 탱크가 거의 비어 있음을 보여줍니다.
▪ the economic forecast
▪ weather forecast
▫ The company forecasts higher profits for the next quarter.
┃views 394
▪ the economic forecast
경제 예측
▪ weather forecast
날씨 예보
▫ The company forecasts higher profits for the next quarter.
회사는 다음 분기의 더 높은 수익을 예측하고 있습니다.
▪ stir the mixture
▪ stir emotions
▫ She stirred the soup to mix the ingredients.
┃views 296
▪ stir the mixture
혼합물을 저어주다
▪ stir emotions
감정을 자극하다
▫ She stirred the soup to mix the ingredients.
그녀는 재료를 섞기 위해 수프를 저었다.
▪ largely due to
▪ largely responsible for
▫ The event was largely successful despite the weather.
┃views 288
▪ largely due to
주로 ~때문에
▪ largely responsible for
대부분 책임이 있다
▫ The event was largely successful despite the weather.
날씨에도 불구하고 행사는 대부분 성공적이었다.
▪ slightly increased
▪ slightly over
▫ The weather is slightly warmer today.
┃views 380
▪ slightly increased
약간 증가한
▪ slightly over
약간 초과하여
▫ The weather is slightly warmer today.
오늘 날씨가 약간 더 따뜻하다.
▪ eventually lead to
▪ eventually finish
▫ He eventually decided to accept the job offer.
┃views 262
▪ eventually lead to
결국 ~로 이어지다
▪ eventually finish
결국 끝내다
▫ He eventually decided to accept the job offer.
그는 결국 그 일자리를 수락하기로 결정했다.
▪ be capable of
▪ capable leader
▫ She is capable of leading the team effectively.
┃views 562
▪ be capable of
~할 능력이 있다
▪ capable leader
유능한 지도자
▫ She is capable of leading the team effectively.
그녀는 팀을 효과적으로 이끌 능력이 있습니다.
▪ a considerable amount
▪ considerable effort
▫ The company made considerable profits this quarter.
┃views 210
▪ a considerable amount
상당한 양
▪ considerable effort
considerable effort
▫ The company made considerable profits this quarter.
회사는 이번 분기에 상당한 이익을 냈습니다.
▪ superior quality
▪ superior performance
▫ This product is superior in quality compared to others.
┃views 341
▪ superior quality
우수한 품질
▪ superior performance
우수한 성과
▫ This product is superior in quality compared to others.
이 제품은 품질 면에서 다른 제품보다 뛰어납니다.
▪ make an exception
▪ with the exception of
▫ There is an exception to every rule.
┃views 142
▪ make an exception
예외를 만들다
▪ with the exception of
~을 제외하고
▫ There is an exception to every rule.
모든 규칙에는 예외가 있다.
▪ the price of the commodity
▪ trade in commodities
▫ Oil is a valuable commodity in global markets.
┃views 145
▪ the price of the commodity
상품의 가격
▪ trade in commodities
상품 거래
▫ Oil is a valuable commodity in global markets.
석유는 세계 시장에서 귀중한 상품입니다.
▪ receive a notification
▪ send a notification
▫ You will receive a notification when your order has shipped.
┃views 149
▪ receive a notification
알림을 받다
▪ send a notification
알림을 보내다
▫ You will receive a notification when your order has shipped.
주문이 배송되면 알림을 받게 됩니다.
▪ the presumably correct answer
▪ presumably be attending
▫ Presumably, he will attend the meeting.
┃views 228
▪ the presumably correct answer
아마도 맞는 답
▪ presumably be attending
아마도 참석할 것이다
▫ Presumably, he will attend the meeting.
아마도 그는 회의에 참석할 것입니다.
▪ cite the sources
▪ cite as an example
▫ The report cites several key studies.
┃views 296
▪ cite the sources
출처를 인용하다
▪ cite as an example
예로 들다
▫ The report cites several key studies.
그 보고서는 몇몇 주요 연구를 참조하고 있다.
▪ dilute the solution
▪ dilute concentration
▫ She diluted the juice with water.
┃views 372
▪ dilute the solution
용액을 희석하다
▪ dilute concentration
농도를 희석하다
▫ She diluted the juice with water.
그녀는 주스를 물로 희석했다.
▪ the incidental expenses
▪ incidental details
▫ The incidental expenses for the trip were higher than expected.
┃views 803
▪ the incidental expenses
부수적인 비용
▪ incidental details
부수적인 세부 사항
▫ The incidental expenses for the trip were higher than expected.
여행 부수 비용이 예상보다 높았다.
▪ a lucrative business
▪ a lucrative offer
▫ She has a lucrative job at the law firm.
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▪ a lucrative business
수익성 좋은 사업
▪ a lucrative offer
수익성 좋은 제안
▫ She has a lucrative job at the law firm.
그녀는 법률 회사에서 수익성이 좋은 일을 하고 있다.
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