토익 단어 1900

토익 단어 1900 단어장

핸드폰에서 간편하게 뜻 만 보기
왼쪽 밀기
▪ earn the certification
▪ require certification
▫ He received his certification in project management.
┃views 768
▪ earn the certification
자격증을 따다
▪ require certification
인증을 요구하다
▫ He received his certification in project management.
그는 프로젝트 관리 자격증을 받았습니다.
▪ apply for a visa at the embassy
▪ visit the embassy
▫ The embassy is located in the capital city.
┃views 244
▪ apply for a visa at the embassy
대사관에서 비자를 신청하다
▪ visit the embassy
대사관을 방문하다
▫ The embassy is located in the capital city.
대사관은 수도에 위치해 있습니다.
▪ make an appearance
▪ the sudden appearance
▫ Her appearance was elegant and stylish.
┃views 211
▪ make an appearance
모습을 드러내다, 참석하다
▪ the sudden appearance
갑작스러운 등장
▫ Her appearance was elegant and stylish.
그녀의 외모는 우아하고 세련되었다.
▪ a deliberate decision
▪ take deliberate actions
▫ The attack was clearly deliberate.
┃views 418
▪ a deliberate decision
신중한 결정
▪ take deliberate actions
신중한 행동을 취하다
▫ The attack was clearly deliberate.
그 공격은 명백히 의도적이었습니다.
▪ a heated controversy
▪ avoid controversy
▫ The new policy has caused a lot of controversy.
┃views 215
▪ a heated controversy
뜨거운 논란
▪ avoid controversy
논란을 피하다
▫ The new policy has caused a lot of controversy.
새로운 정책은 많은 논란을 일으켰습니다.
▪ a fragile item
▪ fragile health
▫ The vase is very fragile and must be handled with care.
┃views 235
▪ a fragile item
부서지기 쉬운 물품
▪ fragile health
취약한 건강
▫ The vase is very fragile and must be handled with care.
그 꽃병은 매우 부서지기 쉬워서 조심스럽게 다뤄야 합니다.
▪ an innate ability
▪ innate talent
▫ She has an innate talent for music.
┃views 122
▪ an innate ability
타고난 능력
▪ innate talent
타고난 재능
▫ She has an innate talent for music.
그녀는 음악에 타고난 재능이 있다.
▪ accelerate the process
▪ accelerate economic growth
▫ The car accelerated quickly on the highway.
┃views 365
▪ accelerate the process
과정을 가속화하다
▪ accelerate economic growth
경제 성장을 가속화하다
▫ The car accelerated quickly on the highway.
자동차는 고속도로에서 빠르게 속도를 높였다.
▪ Please refrain from
▪ refrain from mentioning
▫ Please refrain from smoking in this area.
┃views 311
▪ Please refrain from
~을 자제해주세요
▪ refrain from mentioning
언급을 삼가다
▫ Please refrain from smoking in this area.
이 구역에서는 흡연을 삼가해 주십시오.
▪ a delicate matter
▪ delicate fabric
▫ The artist’s delicate brushwork was admired by critics.
┃views 360
▪ a delicate matter
민감한 문제
▪ delicate fabric
섬세한 천
▫ The artist’s delicate brushwork was admired by critics.
예술가의 섬세한 붓질은 비평가들의 찬사를 받았습니다.
▪ natural aptitude
▪ aptitude for
▫ She has a natural aptitude for mathematics.
┃views 152
▪ natural aptitude
타고난 능력
▪ aptitude for
~에 대한 적성
▫ She has a natural aptitude for mathematics.
그녀는 수학에 타고난 적성이 있다.
▪ advocate for change
▪ an advocate of policy
▫ She is an advocate for environmental protection.
┃views 364
▪ advocate for change
변화를 지지하다
▪ an advocate of policy
정책의 지지자
▫ She is an advocate for environmental protection.
그녀는 환경 보호를 지지하는 사람이다.
▪ the use of antibiotics
▪ prescribe an antibiotic
▫ The doctor prescribed an antibiotic for the infection.
┃views 130
▪ the use of antibiotics
항생제 사용
▪ prescribe an antibiotic
항생제를 처방하다
▫ The doctor prescribed an antibiotic for the infection.
의사는 감염에 대한 항생제를 처방했다.
▪ consult an attorney
▪ retain an attorney
▫ You should consult an attorney for legal advice.
┃views 143
▪ consult an attorney
변호사와 상담하다
▪ retain an attorney
변호사를 고용하다
▫ You should consult an attorney for legal advice.
법률 자문을 위해 변호사와 상담해야 합니다.
▪ the traffic congestion
▪ reduce the congestion
▫ Traffic congestion is a major problem in big cities.
┃views 272
▪ the traffic congestion
교통 혼잡
▪ reduce the congestion
혼잡을 줄이다
▫ Traffic congestion is a major problem in big cities.
대도시에서 교통 혼잡은 큰 문제입니다.
▪ deplete natural resources
▪ deplete one’s energy
▫ The factory’s operations deplete natural resources.
┃views 246
▪ deplete natural resources
자연 자원을 고갈시키다
▪ deplete one’s energy
에너지를 소모하다
▫ The factory’s operations deplete natural resources.
공장의 운영은 자연 자원을 고갈시킵니다.
▪ detach the cable
▪ detach the component
▫ He detached the poster from the wall.
┃views 281
▪ detach the cable
케이블을 분리하다
▪ detach the component
부품을 분리하다
▫ He detached the poster from the wall.
그는 벽에서 포스터를 떼어냈다.
▪ reduce the emission
▪ carbon emission
▫ The factory has reduced its carbon emissions.
┃views 421
▪ reduce the emission
배출을 줄이다
▪ carbon emission
탄소 배출
▫ The factory has reduced its carbon emissions.
그 공장은 탄소 배출을 줄였습니다.
▪ enact a law
▪ enact new regulations
▫ The government enacted a new law to improve air quality.
┃views 523
▪ enact a law
법을 제정하다
▪ enact new regulations
새로운 규정을 제정하다
▫ The government enacted a new law to improve air quality.
정부는 공기 질 개선을 위한 새로운 법을 제정했다.
▪ enforce the law
▪ enforce a policy
▫ The government will enforce new safety regulations starting next month.
┃views 206
▪ enforce the law
법을 시행하다
▪ enforce a policy
정책을 강제하다
▫ The government will enforce new safety regulations starting next month.
정부는 다음 달부터 새로운 안전 규정을 시행할 것입니다.
▪ eradicate poverty
▪ eradicate disease
▫ The campaign aims to eradicate poverty.
┃views 185
▪ eradicate poverty
빈곤을 근절하다
▪ eradicate disease
질병을 근절하다
▫ The campaign aims to eradicate poverty.
그 캠페인은 빈곤을 근절하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
▪ exploit the opportunity
▪ exploit the resources
▫ She exploited her skills to get a promotion.
┃views 537
▪ exploit the opportunity
기회를 최대한 활용하다
▪ exploit the resources
자원을 최대한 활용하다
▫ She exploited her skills to get a promotion.
그녀는 승진을 위해 자신의 기술을 최대한 활용했다.
▪ commit fraud
▪ detect fraud
▫ The company fell victim to an elaborate fraud.
┃views 241
▪ commit fraud
사기를 저지르다
▪ detect fraud
사기를 감지하다
▫ The company fell victim to an elaborate fraud.
회사가 정교한 사기의 희생자가 되었습니다.
▪ forbid by law
▪ strictly forbid
▫ Our company forbids smoking on the premises.
┃views 322
▪ forbid by law
법으로 금지하다
▪ strictly forbid
엄격히 금지하다
▫ Our company forbids smoking on the premises.
우리 회사는 구내 흡연을 금지합니다.
▪ pass the legislation
▪ draft the legislation
▫ The government is working on new legislation to protect the environment.
┃views 319
▪ pass the legislation
법안을 통과시키다
▪ draft the legislation
법안을 초안하다
▫ The government is working on new legislation to protect the environment.
정부는 환경 보호를 위한 새로운 법률 제정을 추진하고 있습니다.
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