토익 단어 2000

토익 단어 2000 단어장

핸드폰에서 간편하게 뜻 만 보기
왼쪽 밀기
▪ the monetary policy
▪ monetary value
▫ The central bank discussed the current monetary policy.
┃views 206
▪ the monetary policy
통화 정책
▪ monetary value
금전적 가치
▫ The central bank discussed the current monetary policy.
중앙은행은 현재의 통화 정책을 논의했습니다.
▪ solely responsible for
▪ rely solely on
▫ The decision was made solely by the CEO.
┃views 231
▪ solely responsible for
~에 대해 단독으로 책임 있는
▪ rely solely on
~에만 의존하다
▫ The decision was made solely by the CEO.
그 결정은 오로지 CEO에 의해 이루어졌습니다.
▪ conserve natural resources
▪ conserve energy
▫ We must conserve our natural resources.
┃views 226
▪ conserve natural resources
천연 자원을 보호하다
▪ conserve energy
에너지를 절약하다
▫ We must conserve our natural resources.
우리는 천연 자원을 보호해야 합니다.
▪ the impending deadline
▪ an impending disaster
▫ The newspaper warned of the impending storm.
┃views 133
▪ the impending deadline
임박한 기한
▪ an impending disaster
임박한 재앙
▫ The newspaper warned of the impending storm.
신문은 임박한 폭풍에 대해 경고했다.
▪ it is advisable to
▪ consider it advisable
▫ It is advisable to save a portion of your income.
┃views 459
▪ it is advisable to
~하는 것이 바람직하다
▪ consider it advisable
그것을 권장할 만하다고 생각하다
▫ It is advisable to save a portion of your income.
수입의 일부분을 저축하는 것이 바람직하다.
▪ circumscribe one’s authority
▪ circumscribe an area
▫ The laws circumscribe the powers of the executive branch.
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▪ circumscribe one’s authority
권한을 제한하다
▪ circumscribe an area
구역을 경계짓다
▫ The laws circumscribe the powers of the executive branch.
그 법률은 행정부의 권한을 제한합니다.
▪ instantly recognizable
▪ instantly available
▫ She responded instantly to the emergency call.
┃views 385
▪ instantly recognizable
즉시 알아볼 수 있는
▪ instantly available
즉시 사용 가능한
▫ She responded instantly to the emergency call.
그녀는 비상 전화를 즉시 응답했다.
▪ the judge’s decision
▪ qualified judge
▫ The judge sentenced him to five years in prison.
┃views 339
▪ the judge’s decision
판사의 판결
▪ qualified judge
자격을 갖춘 심사위원
▫ The judge sentenced him to five years in prison.
판사는 그에게 5년형을 선고했다.
▪ fortify the position
▪ fortify the relationship
▫ They decided to fortify the walls of the ancient city.
┃views 318
▪ fortify the position
위치를 강화하다
▪ fortify the relationship
관계를 강화하다
▫ They decided to fortify the walls of the ancient city.
그들은 고대 도시의 벽을 강화하기로 결정했다.
▪ discharge one’s duties
▪ discharge waste
▫ The company was fined for discharging waste into the river.
┃views 385
▪ discharge one’s duties
의무를 다하다
▪ discharge waste
폐기물을 방출하다
▫ The company was fined for discharging waste into the river.
회사는 강에 폐기물을 방출한 혐의로 벌금을 물었습니다.
▪ a coherent argument
▪ a coherent plan
▫ Her argument was clear and coherent.
┃views 1221
▪ a coherent argument
논리적인 주장
▪ a coherent plan
일관성 있는 계획
▫ Her argument was clear and coherent.
그녀의 주장은 명확하고 일관성이 있었다.
▪ update the ledger
▪ maintain the ledger
▫ The accountant updated the ledger daily.
┃views 406
▪ update the ledger
원장을 업데이트하다
▪ maintain the ledger
원장을 유지하다
▫ The accountant updated the ledger daily.
회계사는 매일 원장을 업데이트했습니다.
▪ the bilingual employee
▪ require bilingual skills
▫ She is bilingual in English and Spanish.
┃views 235
▪ the bilingual employee
이중 언어 직원
▪ require bilingual skills
이중 언어 능력을 요구하다
▫ She is bilingual in English and Spanish.
그녀는 영어와 스페인어를 두 언어로 사용합니다.
▪ provide information
▪ provide assistance
▫ The company provides healthcare benefits to its employees.
┃views 365
▪ provide information
정보를 제공하다
▪ provide assistance
도움을 제공하다
▫ The company provides healthcare benefits to its employees.
회사는 직원들에게 건강관리 혜택을 제공합니다.
▪ close proximity
▪ in proximity to
▫ The proximity of the office to public transportation is very convenient.
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▪ close proximity
매우 근접한
▪ in proximity to
~에 가까운
▫ The proximity of the office to public transportation is very convenient.
사무실이 대중교통에 가까워서 매우 편리합니다.
▪ purify the water
▪ purify the air
▫ They use a special filter to purify the water.
┃views 307
▪ purify the water
물을 정화하다
▪ purify the air
공기를 정화하다
▫ They use a special filter to purify the water.
그들은 물을 정화하기 위해 특수 필터를 사용합니다.
▪ achieve an aspiration
▪ pursue one’s aspirations
▫ Her aspiration is to become a successful entrepreneur.
┃views 210
▪ achieve an aspiration
열망을 이루다
▪ pursue one’s aspirations
포부를 추구하다
▫ Her aspiration is to become a successful entrepreneur.
그녀의 열망은 성공적인 기업가가 되는 것이다.
▪ reach a deadlock
▪ break the deadlock
▫ The negotiations reached a deadlock after hours of discussion.
┃views 116
▪ reach a deadlock
교착 상태에 이르다
▪ break the deadlock
교착 상태를 깨다
▫ The negotiations reached a deadlock after hours of discussion.
오랜 논의 끝에 협상은 교착 상태에 빠졌다.
▪ deal with an issue
▪ make a deal
▫ We need to deal with this issue promptly.
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▪ deal with an issue
문제를 처리하다
▪ make a deal
거래를 하다
▫ We need to deal with this issue promptly.
이 문제를 신속하게 처리해야 합니다.
▪ the field of ecology
▪ ecology research
▫ The student chose to major in ecology.
┃views 251
▪ the field of ecology
생태학 분야
▪ ecology research
생태학 연구
▫ The student chose to major in ecology.
그 학생은 생태학을 전공하기로 선택했습니다.
▪ flourish in business
▪ flourish under leadership
▫ The startup began to flourish after the successful launch.
┃views 312
▪ flourish in business
사업에서 번창하다
▪ flourish under leadership
지도력 하에서 번영하다
▫ The startup began to flourish after the successful launch.
그 스타트업은 성공적인 출시 후 번창하기 시작했습니다.
▪ the implication of the decision
▪ consider the implications
▫ What are the implications of this statement?
┃views 723
▪ the implication of the decision
결정의 영향
▪ consider the implications
함축을 고려하다
▫ What are the implications of this statement?
이 발언이 내포하는 함축은 무엇인가요?
▪ conform to regulations
▪ conform with standards
▫ Employees must conform to the company’s safety regulations.
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▪ conform to regulations
규정을 따르다
▪ conform with standards
표준에 맞다
▫ Employees must conform to the company’s safety regulations.
직원들은 회사의 안전 규정에 따라야 합니다.
▪ deviate from the plan
▪ deviate from the norm
▫ The flight had to deviate from its original path due to the storm.
┃views 241
▪ deviate from the plan
계획에서 벗어나다
▪ deviate from the norm
기준에서 벗어나다
▫ The flight had to deviate from its original path due to the storm.
비행기는 폭풍 때문에 원래 경로에서 벗어나야 했습니다.
▪ evidently true
▪ evidently clear
▫ Evidently, she was not happy with the results.
┃views 307
▪ evidently true
분명히 맞는
▪ evidently clear
명백히 분명한
▫ Evidently, she was not happy with the results.
분명히 그녀는 결과에 만족하지 않았습니다.
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