토익 빈출 어휘

빈출 어휘 단어장

핸드폰에서 간편하게 뜻 만 보기
왼쪽 밀기
▪ give notice
▪ receive a notice
▫ The company posted a notice about the upcoming holiday schedule.
┃views 523
▪ give notice
▪ receive a notice
통지를 받다
▫ The company posted a notice about the upcoming holiday schedule.
회사는 다가오는 휴일 일정에 대한 공지를 게시했습니다.
▪ a job applicant
▪ an applicant form
▫ The applicant submitted her resume and cover letter.
┃views 463
▪ a job applicant
취업 지원자
▪ an applicant form
신청서 양식
▫ The applicant submitted her resume and cover letter.
지원자는 이력서와 자기소개서를 제출했습니다.
▪ the hiring process
▪ streamline the process
▫ The application process takes about two weeks.
┃views 295
▪ the hiring process
채용 절차
▪ streamline the process
절차를 간소화하다
▫ The application process takes about two weeks.
신청 절차는 약 2주가 소요됩니다.
▪ lay the foundation
▪ a solid foundation
▫ The foundation of the building is strong.
┃views 241
▪ lay the foundation
기초를 쌓다
▪ a solid foundation
튼튼한 기초
▫ The foundation of the building is strong.
건물의 기초는 튼튼하다.
▪ a famous celebrity
▪ celebrity endorsement
▫ The charity event was attended by several celebrities.
┃views 326
▪ a famous celebrity
유명한 유명인사
▪ celebrity endorsement
유명인의 홍보, 추천
▫ The charity event was attended by several celebrities.
여러 유명인사들이 자선 행사에 참석했습니다.
▪ the certified accountant
▪ a senior accountant
▫ She works as an accountant at a large firm.
┃views 285
▪ the certified accountant
공인 회계사
▪ a senior accountant
수석 회계사
▫ She works as an accountant at a large firm.
그녀는 대기업에서 회계사로 일합니다.
▪ donate blood
▪ donate money
▫ They decided to donate $1,000 to the charity.
┃views 301
▪ donate blood
▪ donate money
돈을 기부하다
▫ They decided to donate $1,000 to the charity.
그들은 자선 단체에 1,000달러를 기부하기로 결정했습니다.
▪ apologize for the inconvenience
▪ cause inconvenience
▫ We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
┃views 651
▪ apologize for the inconvenience
불편에 대해 사과하다
▪ cause inconvenience
불편을 초래하다
▫ We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
이로 인해 발생한 불편에 대해 사과드립니다.
▪ an unusually high number
▪ unusually difficult
▫ The weather has been unusually cold this week.
┃views 510
▪ an unusually high number
평소보다 높은 수
▪ unusually difficult
일반적이지 않게 어려운
▫ The weather has been unusually cold this week.
이번 주는 날씨가 평소보다 더 추웠다.
▪ improve the quality
▪ improve performance
▫ We need to improve our customer service.
┃views 517
▪ improve the quality
품질을 향상시키다
▪ improve performance
성능을 향상시키다
▫ We need to improve our customer service.
우리는 고객 서비스를 개선할 필요가 있습니다.
▪ repair a machine
▪ make repairs
▫ The technician repaired the broken printer.
┃views 389
▪ repair a machine
기계를 수리하다
▪ make repairs
▫ The technician repaired the broken printer.
기술자가 고장난 프린터를 수리했다.
▪ the warranty coverage
▪ the extended warranty
▫ The product comes with a two-year warranty.
┃views 384
▪ the warranty coverage
보증 범위
▪ the extended warranty
연장된 품질보증
▫ The product comes with a two-year warranty.
이 제품은 2년 품질보증서가 함께 제공됩니다.
▪ replace the equipment
▪ replace an old system
▫ We need to replace the old computers with new ones.
┃views 350
▪ replace the equipment
장비를 교체하다
▪ replace an old system
오래된 시스템을 대체하다
▫ We need to replace the old computers with new ones.
우리는 오래된 컴퓨터를 새로운 것으로 대체해야 합니다.
▪ increase production
▪ production process
▫ The factory increased its production to meet demand.
┃views 173
▪ increase production
생산을 늘리다
▪ production process
생산 과정
▫ The factory increased its production to meet demand.
공장은 수요를 충족시키기 위해 생산을 늘렸다.
▪ renew the subscription
▪ cancel the subscription
▫ He cancelled his newspaper subscription.
┃views 220
▪ renew the subscription
구독을 갱신하다
▪ cancel the subscription
구독을 취소하다
▫ He cancelled his newspaper subscription.
그는 그의 신문 구독을 취소했다.
▪ rush hour traffic
▪ a rush job
▫ There was a rush to finish the project before the deadline.
┃views 372
▪ rush hour traffic
출퇴근 시간 교통
▪ a rush job
급하게 처리한 일
▫ There was a rush to finish the project before the deadline.
마감 시간 전에 프로젝트를 끝내기 위한 서두름이 있었다.
▪ the local community
▪ community service
▫ The local community organized a cleanup event.
┃views 43
▪ the local community
지역 사회
▪ community service
▫ The local community organized a cleanup event.
지역 사회가 청소 행사를 주최했습니다.
▪ operate the machinery
▪ operate a business
▫ He operates heavy machinery at the construction site.
┃views 334
▪ operate the machinery
기계를 작동시키다
▪ operate a business
사업을 운영하다
▫ He operates heavy machinery at the construction site.
그는 건설 현장에서 중장비를 작동시킨다.
▪ fit for the role
▪ keep fit
▫ The candidate is fit for the position.
┃views 264
▪ fit for the role
그 역할에 적합한
▪ keep fit
건강을 유지하다
▫ The candidate is fit for the position.
그 후보자는 그 직책에 적합하다.
▪ acquire a company
▪ acquire knowledge
▫ He acquired a valuable painting at the auction.
┃views 339
▪ acquire a company
회사를 인수하다
▪ acquire knowledge
지식을 습득하다
▫ He acquired a valuable painting at the auction.
그는 경매에서 귀중한 그림을 얻었다.
▪ pay attention to the details
▪ get someone’s attention
▫ Please pay attention to the speaker.
┃views 309
▪ pay attention to the details
세부 사항에 주의를 기울이다
▪ get someone’s attention
누군가의 주목을 끌다
▫ Please pay attention to the speaker.
발표자에게 주의를 기울이세요.
▪ express concern
▪ raise a concern
▫ There is widespread concern about climate change.
┃views 417
▪ express concern
우려를 표명하다
▪ raise a concern
우려를 제기하다
▫ There is widespread concern about climate change.
기후 변화에 대한 광범위한 우려가 있습니다.
▪ show interest in
▪ earn interest
▫ He showed a lot of interest in the project.
┃views 595
▪ show interest in
~에 관심을 보이다
▪ earn interest
이자를 벌다
▫ He showed a lot of interest in the project.
그는 그 프로젝트에 많은 관심을 보였다.
▪ make a purchase
▪ purchase an item
▫ The purchase of office supplies was completed yesterday.
┃views 287
▪ make a purchase
구매를 하다
▪ purchase an item
아이템을 구매하다
▫ The purchase of office supplies was completed yesterday.
사무용품 구매가 어제 완료되었습니다.
▪ a defective item
▪ a defective product
▫ The machine has a defective part that needs to be replaced.
┃views 511
▪ a defective item
결함이 있는 품목
▪ a defective product
결함이 있는 제품
▫ The machine has a defective part that needs to be replaced.
그 기계에는 교체해야 하는 결함이 있는 부품이 있습니다.
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