토익 단어 500

토익 단어 500 단어장

핸드폰에서 간편하게 뜻 만 보기
왼쪽 밀기
▪ resolve the conflict
▪ avoid a conflict
▫ There was a conflict between the two departments.
┃views 137
▪ resolve the conflict
갈등을 해결하다
▪ avoid a conflict
갈등을 피하다
▫ There was a conflict between the two departments.
두 부서 간에 갈등이 있었습니다.
▪ meet the target
▪ a target audience
▫ The sales team met their quarterly targets.
┃views 111
▪ meet the target
목표를 달성하다
▪ a target audience
대상 청중
▫ The sales team met their quarterly targets.
영업팀은 분기 목표를 달성했다.
▪ the official letterhead
▪ company letterhead
▫ The company’s letterhead includes its logo and address.
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▪ the official letterhead
공식 편지지
▪ company letterhead
회사 편지지
▫ The company’s letterhead includes its logo and address.
회사의 편지 머리글에는 로고와 주소가 포함되어 있습니다.
▪ pertinent information
▪ pertinent question
▫ He provided pertinent information during the meeting.
┃views 152
▪ pertinent information
관련된 정보
▪ pertinent question
적절한 질문
▫ He provided pertinent information during the meeting.
그는 회의 중에 적절한 정보를 제공했다.
▪ receive compensation
▪ compensation package
▫ The company provided compensation for the injured worker.
┃views 115
▪ receive compensation
보상을 받다
▪ compensation package
보상 패키지
▫ The company provided compensation for the injured worker.
회사는 부상당한 직원에게 보상을 제공했습니다.
▪ retire from the position
▪ retire at the age of
▫ She plans to retire at the age of 60.
┃views 114
▪ retire from the position
직위에서 은퇴하다
▪ retire at the age of
~세에 은퇴하다
▫ She plans to retire at the age of 60.
그녀는 60세에 은퇴할 계획입니다.
▪ a collective effort
▪ collective bargaining
▫ The collective opinion of the team was positive.
┃views 100
▪ a collective effort
공동 노력
▪ collective bargaining
단체 교섭
▫ The collective opinion of the team was positive.
팀의 집단 의견은 긍정적이었습니다.
▪ publish annually
▪ hold annually
▫ The report is published annually.
┃views 46
▪ publish annually
매년 발행하다
▪ hold annually
매년 개최하다
▫ The report is published annually.
그 보고서는 매년 발행됩니다.
▪ found a company
▪ be founded by
▫ The charity was founded in 2002.
┃views 65
▪ found a company
회사를 설립하다
▪ be founded by
~에 의해 설립되다
▫ The charity was founded in 2002.
그 자선 단체는 2002년에 설립되었다.
▪ discourage the behavior
▪ discourage someone from taking risks
▫ He tried to discourage her from smoking.
┃views 130
▪ discourage the behavior
행동을 단념시키다
▪ discourage someone from taking risks
누군가가 위험을 감수하는 것을 막다
▫ He tried to discourage her from smoking.
그는 그녀가 담배를 피우지 않도록 단념시키려 했다.
▪ the concert ticket
▪ pay a parking ticket
▫ We need to buy tickets for the concert.
┃views 70
▪ the concert ticket
콘서트 입장권
▪ pay a parking ticket
주차 위반 티켓을 지불하다
▫ We need to buy tickets for the concert.
우리는 콘서트 입장권을 사야 합니다.
▪ respond to an inquiry
▪ conduct an inquiry
▫ We received several customer inquiries about the new product.
┃views 63
▪ respond to an inquiry
문의에 응답하다
▪ conduct an inquiry
조사를 실시하다
▫ We received several customer inquiries about the new product.
우리는 새로운 제품에 대한 여러 고객 문의를 받았습니다.
▪ dominate the market
▪ dominate the competition
▫ The company dominates the tech industry.
┃views 119
▪ dominate the market
시장을 지배하다
▪ dominate the competition
경쟁에서 우위를 차지하다
▫ The company dominates the tech industry.
그 회사는 기술 산업을 지배한다.
▪ give a signal
▪ traffic signal
▫ The traffic signal turned green.
┃views 115
▪ give a signal
신호를 보내다
▪ traffic signal
교통 신호
▫ The traffic signal turned green.
교통 신호가 녹색으로 바뀌었다.
▪ be allergic to
▪ have an allergic reaction
▫ He is allergic to peanuts.
┃views 39
▪ be allergic to
~에 알레르기가 있다
▪ have an allergic reaction
알레르기 반응을 일으키다
▫ He is allergic to peanuts.
그는 땅콩에 알레르기가 있습니다.
▪ a panoramic view
▪ from different view points
▫ Her view on the issue is quite different from mine.
┃views 43
▪ a panoramic view
파노라마 전망
▪ from different view points
다른 관점에서
▫ Her view on the issue is quite different from mine.
그 문제에 대한 그녀의 견해는 나와 상당히 다릅니다.
▪ spicy flavor
▪ spicy cuisine
▫ The sauce is too spicy for me.
┃views 41
▪ spicy flavor
매운 맛
▪ spicy cuisine
매운 요리
▫ The sauce is too spicy for me.
그 소스는 나에게 너무 맵다.
▪ entertain the audience
▪ entertain the guests
▫ The comedian entertained the audience with his witty jokes.
┃views 77
▪ entertain the audience
청중을 즐겁게 하다
▪ entertain the guests
손님을 접대하다
▫ The comedian entertained the audience with his witty jokes.
코미디언은 재치 있는 농담으로 청중을 즐겁게 했습니다.
▪ submit the manuscript
▪ edit the manuscript
▫ She submitted the final manuscript to the publisher.
┃views 78
▪ submit the manuscript
원고를 제출하다
▪ edit the manuscript
원고를 편집하다
▫ She submitted the final manuscript to the publisher.
그녀는 최종 원고를 출판사에 제출했다.
▪ job placement
▪ secure a placement
▫ The placement of the furniture affects the room’s layout.
┃views 54
▪ job placement
직무 배치
▪ secure a placement
배치를 확보하다
▫ The placement of the furniture affects the room’s layout.
가구의 배치는 방의 레이아웃에 영향을 줍니다.
▪ the accumulation of wealth
▪ the accumulation of evidence
▫ The accumulation of wealth requires time and effort.
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▪ the accumulation of wealth
부의 축적
▪ the accumulation of evidence
증거의 축적
▫ The accumulation of wealth requires time and effort.
부의 축적은 시간과 노력이 필요합니다.
▪ test the hypothesis
▪ support the hypothesis
▫ The scientists tested the hypothesis through various experiments.
┃views 57
▪ test the hypothesis
가설을 검증하다
▪ support the hypothesis
가설을 지지하다
▫ The scientists tested the hypothesis through various experiments.
과학자들은 여러 실험을 통해 가설을 검증했다.
▪ assemble the components
▪ key component
▫ The engine’s most important component is the piston.
┃views 100
▪ assemble the components
부품을 조립하다
▪ key component
핵심 부품
▫ The engine’s most important component is the piston.
엔진의 가장 중요한 구성 요소는 피스톤입니다.
▪ dehydrate thoroughly
▪ get dehydrated easily
▫ The process of making dried fruit dehydrates the slices.
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▪ dehydrate thoroughly
철저히 탈수하다
▪ get dehydrated easily
쉽게 탈수되다
▫ The process of making dried fruit dehydrates the slices.
말린 과일을 만드는 과정은 슬라이스의 수분을 제거합니다.
▪ running a fever
▪ fever pitch
▫ He has a high fever and needs to rest.
┃views 102
▪ running a fever
열이 나다
▪ fever pitch
열광적인 상태
▫ He has a high fever and needs to rest.
그는 고열이 있어서 쉬어야 한다.
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