토익 영어 단어 600

토익 영어 단어 600 단어장

핸드폰에서 간편하게 뜻 만 보기
왼쪽 밀기
▪ use a tactic
▪ develop a tactic
▫ The company employed a new marketing tactic to attract customers.
┃views 517
▪ use a tactic
전술을 사용하다
▪ develop a tactic
전술을 개발하다
▫ The company employed a new marketing tactic to attract customers.
회사는 고객을 끌기 위해 새로운 마케팅 전략을 사용했다.
▪ cultural heritage
▪ preserve the heritage
▫ The city is known for its rich cultural heritage.
┃views 224
▪ cultural heritage
▪ preserve the heritage
유산을 보존하다
▫ The city is known for its rich cultural heritage.
그 도시는 풍부한 문화유산으로 유명합니다.
▪ discard the idea
▪ discard old materials
▫ He discarded the old magazines.
┃views 389
▪ discard the idea
그 아이디어를 버리다
▪ discard old materials
오래된 자료를 버리다
▫ He discarded the old magazines.
그는 오래된 잡지들을 버렸다.
▪ the disposable product
▪ disposable income
▫ We use disposable plates for the picnic.
┃views 376
▪ the disposable product
일회용 제품
▪ disposable income
가처분 소득
▫ We use disposable plates for the picnic.
우리는 소풍 때 일회용 접시를 사용합니다.
▪ the historical chronicle
▪ chronicle significant events
▫ The historian wrote a detailed chronicle of the ancient civilization.
┃views 448
▪ the historical chronicle
역사 연대기
▪ chronicle significant events
중요한 사건을 기록하다
▫ The historian wrote a detailed chronicle of the ancient civilization.
역사가가 고대 문명에 대한 자세한 연대기를 썼다.
▪ organize a fundraising event
▪ the fundraising campaign
▫ We need to organize a fundraising event for the charity.
┃views 214
▪ organize a fundraising event
자금 모금 행사를 조직하다
▪ the fundraising campaign
자금 모금 캠페인
▫ We need to organize a fundraising event for the charity.
우리는 자선 단체를 위한 모금 행사를 조직해야 합니다.
▪ pertain to regulations
▪ pertain to policies
▫ The rules pertain to all employees.
┃views 354
▪ pertain to regulations
규정에 적용되다
▪ pertain to policies
정책과 관련되다
▫ The rules pertain to all employees.
이 규정은 모든 직원에게 적용됩니다.
▪ under consideration
▪ give consideration
▫ The proposal is under careful consideration.
┃views 203
▪ under consideration
고려 중
▪ give consideration
▫ The proposal is under careful consideration.
그 제안은 신중히 고려 중에 있습니다.
▪ distributed resources
▪ distributed materials
▫ The documents were distributed to all employees.
┃views 129
▪ distributed resources
분배된 자원
▪ distributed materials
배포된 자료
▫ The documents were distributed to all employees.
문서들은 모든 직원들에게 배포되었다.
▪ suffer a loss
▪ prevent a loss
▫ The company reported a significant financial loss this quarter.
┃views 179
▪ suffer a loss
손실을 겪다
▪ prevent a loss
손실을 방지하다
▫ The company reported a significant financial loss this quarter.
회사는 이번 분기에 상당한 재정적 손실을 보고했다.
▪ gain experience
▪ previous experience
▫ She has experience in marketing.
┃views 454
▪ gain experience
경험을 얻다
▪ previous experience
이전 경험
▫ She has experience in marketing.
그녀는 마케팅 분야에서 경험이 있습니다.
▪ the local community
▪ local business
▫ The local community supported the new project.
┃views 240
▪ the local community
지역 사회
▪ local business
현지 사업
▫ The local community supported the new project.
현지 커뮤니티는 새로운 프로젝트를 지원했습니다.
▪ predict the outcome
▪ predict future trends
▫ Experts predict that the economy will recover soon.
┃views 151
▪ predict the outcome
결과를 예측하다
▪ predict future trends
미래의 동향을 예측하다
▫ Experts predict that the economy will recover soon.
전문가들은 경제가 곧 회복될 것이라고 예측합니다.
▪ regarding the policy
▪ regarding the issue
▫ We have several questions regarding the new policy.
┃views 310
▪ regarding the policy
정책에 관하여
▪ regarding the issue
문제에 관하여
▫ We have several questions regarding the new policy.
우리는 새 정책에 관해 몇 가지 질문이 있습니다.
▪ reach an accord
▪ according to
▫ The leaders reached an accord after hours of negotiation.
┃views 229
▪ reach an accord
합의에 도달하다
▪ according to
~에 따르면
▫ The leaders reached an accord after hours of negotiation.
지도자들은 몇 시간의 협상 끝에 합의에 도달했습니다.
▪ limited resources
▪ limited access
▫ The conference room has limited seating.
┃views 246
▪ limited resources
제한된 자원
▪ limited access
제한된 접근
▫ The conference room has limited seating.
회의실의 좌석은 제한되어 있습니다.
▪ check the expiration date
▪ the expiration date
▫ Check the expiration date on the package before purchasing.
┃views 145
▪ check the expiration date
만료일을 확인하다
▪ the expiration date
유효 기간
▫ Check the expiration date on the package before purchasing.
구매하기 전에 포장지의 만료일을 확인하세요.
▪ install an automated system
▪ an automated process
▫ The factory has an automated assembly line.
┃views 160
▪ install an automated system
자동화 시스템을 설치하다
▪ an automated process
자동화된 과정
▫ The factory has an automated assembly line.
그 공장은 자동화된 조립 라인을 가지고 있습니다.
▪ enclose a document
▪ enclose payment
▫ The garden is enclosed by a tall fence.
┃views 151
▪ enclose a document
문서를 동봉하다
▪ enclose payment
결제를 동봉하다
▫ The garden is enclosed by a tall fence.
정원은 높은 울타리로 둘러싸여 있다.
▪ an accomplished professional
▪ become accomplished
▫ She is an accomplished pianist.
┃views 363
▪ an accomplished professional
능숙한 전문가
▪ become accomplished
▫ She is an accomplished pianist.
그녀는 능숙한 피아니스트입니다.
▪ a stable environment
▪ a stable relationship
▫ The patient’s condition is stable.
┃views 395
▪ a stable environment
안정된 환경
▪ a stable relationship
안정된 관계
▫ The patient’s condition is stable.
환자의 상태는 안정적입니다.
▪ mutually agreed
▪ mutually beneficial
▫ They reached a mutually beneficial agreement.
┃views 393
▪ mutually agreed
상호 합의된
▪ mutually beneficial
상호 유익한
▫ They reached a mutually beneficial agreement.
그들은 상호 이익이 되는 합의에 도달했습니다.
▪ fill a prescription
▪ a valid prescription
▫ The doctor wrote a prescription for antibiotics.
┃views 137
▪ fill a prescription
처방전을 조제하다
▪ a valid prescription
유효한 처방전
▫ The doctor wrote a prescription for antibiotics.
의사는 항생제 처방전을 작성했다.
▪ the cancellation fee
▪ the cancellation policy
▫ We received a notice of the flight cancellation.
┃views 144
▪ the cancellation fee
취소 수수료
▪ the cancellation policy
취소 정책
▫ We received a notice of the flight cancellation.
우리는 항공편 취소 통지를 받았습니다.
▪ the price increase
▪ price competitive
▫ The price of this laptop is $1200.
┃views 119
▪ the price increase
가격 인상
▪ price competitive
가격 경쟁력 있는
▫ The price of this laptop is $1200.
이 노트북의 가격은 1200달러입니다.
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토익 영어 단어 600은 단어를 중요도순으로 정렬하여 중요한 단어를 우선적으로 외우게 도와줍니다. pertain, predict, regarding, stable …