토익 고득점 단어 900

토익 고득점 단어 900 단어장

핸드폰에서 간편하게 뜻 만 보기
왼쪽 밀기
▪ the architectural blueprint
▪ a detailed blueprint
▫ The architect shared the blueprint of the new library.
┃views 238
▪ the architectural blueprint
건축 설계도
▪ a detailed blueprint
자세한 계획도
▫ The architect shared the blueprint of the new library.
건축가는 새로운 도서관의 설계도를 공유했습니다.
▪ a qualified candidate
▪ qualified approval
▫ She is qualified for the position of manager.
┃views 430
▪ a qualified candidate
자격이 있는 후보자
▪ qualified approval
제한적인 승인
▫ She is qualified for the position of manager.
그녀는 매니저 직책에 자격이 있습니다.
▪ recall the product
▪ recall the memory
▫ I can’t recall his name at the moment.
┃views 191
▪ recall the product
제품을 회수하다
▪ recall the memory
기억을 되살리다
▫ I can’t recall his name at the moment.
현재 그의 이름이 기억나지 않습니다.
▪ an authorized distributor
▪ a local distributor
▫ The distributor ensured timely delivery of all products.
┃views 480
▪ an authorized distributor
공인 유통업자
▪ a local distributor
지역 유통업자
▫ The distributor ensured timely delivery of all products.
유통업자는 모든 제품의 신속한 배송을 보장했습니다.
▪ verify the information
▪ verify the identity
▫ Please verify your email address before proceeding.
┃views 543
▪ verify the information
정보를 확인하다
▪ verify the identity
신원을 확인하다
▫ Please verify your email address before proceeding.
계속하기 전에 이메일 주소를 확인하세요.
▪ restructure the organization
▪ restructure the company
▫ The company had to restructure to improve efficiency.
┃views 226
▪ restructure the organization
조직을 재편성하다
▪ restructure the company
회사를 재편성하다
▫ The company had to restructure to improve efficiency.
회사는 효율성을 개선하기 위해 조직 구조를 재편성해야 했다.
▪ tie the boat to the pier
▪ dock at the pier
▫ The ship docked at the pier.
┃views 223
▪ tie the boat to the pier
배를 부두에 묶다
▪ dock at the pier
부두에 정박하다
▫ The ship docked at the pier.
배가 부두에 정박했다.
▪ a built-in feature
▪ built-in advantage
▫ The new laptop comes with a built-in webcam.
┃views 314
▪ a built-in feature
내장 기능
▪ built-in advantage
기본으로 포함된 장점
▫ The new laptop comes with a built-in webcam.
새 노트북에는 내장된 웹캠이 있습니다.
▪ at the dock
▪ dock the ship
▫ The ship was anchored at the dock.
┃views 351
▪ at the dock
▪ dock the ship
배를 정박시키다
▫ The ship was anchored at the dock.
배는 부두에 정박했다.
▪ the court ruling
▪ appear in court
▫ The case will be heard in court next week.
┃views 205
▪ the court ruling
법원의 판결
▪ appear in court
법정에 출두하다
▫ The case will be heard in court next week.
그 사건은 다음 주에 법정에서 심리될 것입니다.
▪ catch the burglar
▪ suspect a burglar
▫ The burglar broke into the house last night.
┃views 168
▪ catch the burglar
도둑을 잡다
▪ suspect a burglar
도둑을 의심하다
▫ The burglar broke into the house last night.
그 도둑은 어젯밤 그 집에 침입했다.
▪ in default
▪ the factory default settings
▫ The company is in default on its loan payments.
┃views 168
▪ in default
채무 불이행 상태에서
▪ the factory default settings
공장 초기 설정
▫ The company is in default on its loan payments.
그 회사는 대출 상환에 채무 불이행 상태입니다.
▪ evolve over time
▪ help the company evolve
▫ Technology continues to evolve rapidly.
┃views 256
▪ evolve over time
시간에 따라 발전하다
▪ help the company evolve
회사가 발전하도록 돕다
▫ Technology continues to evolve rapidly.
기술은 빠르게 발전하고 있습니다.
▪ a gourmet restaurant
▪ gourmet food
▫ He considers himself a true gourmet, always seeking the finest dining experiences.
┃views 295
▪ a gourmet restaurant
미식 레스토랑
▪ gourmet food
고급 음식
▫ He considers himself a true gourmet, always seeking the finest dining experiences.
그는 자신을 진정한 미식가로 여기며, 항상 최고의 식사 경험을 추구합니다.
▪ the precision of the measurement
▪ high precision equipment
▫ The precision of the measurement is critical for the experiment.
┃views 203
▪ the precision of the measurement
측정의 정확성
▪ high precision equipment
고정밀 장비
▫ The precision of the measurement is critical for the experiment.
측정의 정확성은 실험에 매우 중요합니다.
▪ write a thesis
▪ defend a thesis
▫ She completed her thesis on environmental science.
┃views 553
▪ write a thesis
논문을 작성하다
▪ defend a thesis
논문을 방어하다/발표하다
▫ She completed her thesis on environmental science.
그녀는 환경과학에 관한 논문을 완성했다.
▪ ventilate a room
▪ properly ventilate
▫ Please ventilate the room by opening the windows.
┃views 257
▪ ventilate a room
방을 환기시키다
▪ properly ventilate
적절히 환기하다
▫ Please ventilate the room by opening the windows.
창문을 열어 방을 환기시켜 주세요.
▪ a food additive
▪ the additive effect
▫ The food contains several additives to preserve its freshness.
┃views 258
▪ a food additive
식품 첨가물
▪ the additive effect
부가적인 효과
▫ The food contains several additives to preserve its freshness.
그 식품은 신선도를 유지하기 위해 여러 첨가물을 포함하고 있습니다.
▪ cause dismay
▪ widespread dismay
▫ The news of the merger caused widespread dismay among employees.
┃views 251
▪ cause dismay
실망을 불러일으키다
▪ widespread dismay
널리 퍼진 실망
▫ The news of the merger caused widespread dismay among employees.
합병 소식은 직원들 사이에서 널리 실망을 불러일으켰다.
▪ make a shrewd decision
▪ a shrewd observer
▫ He made a shrewd decision during the negotiation.
┃views 307
▪ make a shrewd decision
기민한 결정을 내리다
▪ a shrewd observer
날카로운 관찰자
▫ He made a shrewd decision during the negotiation.
그는 협상 중에 기민한 결정을 내렸다.
▪ stringent regulations
▪ stringent measures
▫ The company has stringent quality control measures.
┃views 262
▪ stringent regulations
엄격한 규제
▪ stringent measures
엄격한 조치
▫ The company has stringent quality control measures.
회사는 엄격한 품질 관리를 하고 있습니다.
▪ verify the credentials
▪ issue credentials
▫ He presented his credentials at the job interview.
┃views 324
▪ verify the credentials
자격증을 확인하다
▪ issue credentials
자격증을 발급하다
▫ He presented his credentials at the job interview.
그는 면접에서 자신의 자격증을 제시했습니다.
▪ file a lawsuit
▪ win a lawsuit
▫ The company faces a lawsuit for breach of contract.
┃views 298
▪ file a lawsuit
소송을 제기하다
▪ win a lawsuit
소송에서 이기다
▫ The company faces a lawsuit for breach of contract.
그 회사는 계약 위반으로 소송에 직면해 있습니다.
▪ the plaintiff filed a lawsuit
▪ the plaintiff claimed damages
▫ The plaintiff filed a lawsuit against the company.
┃views 343
▪ the plaintiff filed a lawsuit
원고가 소송을 제기하다
▪ the plaintiff claimed damages
원고가 배상을 요구하다
▫ The plaintiff filed a lawsuit against the company.
원고는 회사에 대해 소송을 제기했습니다.
▪ a product showcase
▪ showcase the talent
▫ The company showcased its new products at the trade fair.
┃views 137
▪ a product showcase
제품 전시회
▪ showcase the talent
재능을 선보이다
▫ The company showcased its new products at the trade fair.
회사는 무역 박람회에서 신제품을 선보였습니다.
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